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(Cordelia's POV)

"I'm sorry to interrupt." I spoke up while we were all sitting around the table and eating. "But Laura, can I ask you to help me with something real quick?" I turned my head to look at her.

"Of course." She answered.

We both stood up and were going to leave the table when Massimo spoke up.

"I can help you." Massimo spoke. "What do you need?"

"Thank you Massimo but these are girl things so I need Laura's help." I answered and gave him a smile.

He nodded and Laura and I then left the table and went to the bathroom.

When Laura closed the door behind us I started to speak.

"Ziva is a bit weird. She's asking so many questions." I whispered to Laura, making her nod in agreement.

"Yeah. Obviously she can ask questions but so many of the questions she has asked have been pretty personal. Too personal. She doesn't have to know the answer to all of those questions."

"Yeah... it feels weird but she's probably just very outgoing and interested in these things." I tried to convince myself.

We left the bathroom and returned to the others.

I sat back next to Massimo and he leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"Are you alright?"

I nodded and smiled at him. "Yes. Thank you."

"I was thinking, would you like to do something together tomorrow?" He then asked.

"Do something? What do you have in mind?"

"We could go on a beach. Like you said, we haven't spent time together in a long time."

A wide smile speared on my face but I tried my best to contain my excitement.

"I would like that very much." I smiled back at him and he gave me back a small smile before placing a small kiss on my temple and placed his hand on my knee.

We continued eating our foods and the rest of the night went past without any bigger problems.

When it was eight pm Diego and Ziva left to go to a club and Massimo and Matteo went to talk about some business with Domenico so I decided to steal Laura for myself for a while so we could talk.


"So tell me." Laura spoke when we walked on my balcony and sat down on some chairs.

"Okay. After we came out of the bathroom and I sat back next to Massimo he asked if I was okay and after that he asked if I wanted to go on a beach with him tomorrow."

Laura's eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yes!" I squealed happily.

"What beach are you going to? Not the local one I'm sure."

"I don't know but I'm sure it's not the local one. Maybe he has something in his mind already planned out."

"Well whatever it is. I'm so happy for you." Laura took my hand in hers and gave it a squeeze.

"When we tried to get our plan to work basically nothing happened but when I just sat there normally he asked that." I smiled so widely that my cheeks already hurt.

"Things happen when you least expect them to. But now the important question."

"And that is?"

"What are you wearing?" Laura stood up and headed back into my room.

I followed her and together we started to look through all of my bikinis and other beach clothes trying to find me the best thing to wear tomorrow.

Tomorrow is going to be a great day. I can feel it.

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