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(Cordelia's POV)

Laura has been here twenty four hours now. I have barely seen her or Massimo but Diego told me that Laura saw Massimo killing some man later yesterday night. That's not good.

It's 9 pm now and I just got the best idea. I'm going out to have fun and forget everything even for one night. And even when I don't like drinking that much I can take a few drinks tonight, dance and forget. So that's what I'm going to do.


"I want to go out." I spoke while walking in the living room where Matteo and Diego were sitting and talking.

"I'm down!" Diego grinned and stood up. "Where do you want to go?"

"Red Diamond." It's one of Massimo's clubs that he owned. My favorite. And what could be better than having fun and forgetting him in his own club?

"See you in the car in thirty minutes." Diego grinned and walked out of the room to get himself ready.

"I already don't like this." Matteo shook his head.

"I'm not doing anything stupid. I'm just going to have a few drinks and dance. Plus Diego is with me."

"Then who is going to look after him? You know how he gets when he drinks too much."

"We are looking after each other. Love you." I kissed Matteo's cheek before walking away and going to get myself ready.


I put on a short, black dress, black heels and completed the outfit with some silver necklace and earrings.

I felt and looked good.

Someone knocked on my door and Diego walked in and closed the door behind him.

He was wearing black well sitting trousers and a black shirt that complimented his muscular upper body well. And lastly a black shoes and a chain hanging around his neck and big heavy looking rings on his fingers.

"Well you look good." I smiled, giving him a compliment.

"You too sis. You're not scared that Massimo will see you in that?"

"No. I don't know why I would care. He had made his choice. And who knows, maybe I will find someone to take home tonight." I winked.

Diego laughed. "Well he wouldn't like that."

"That's the point. Oh and apparently I need to make sure you don't do anything stupid tonight."

"Oh please." He rolled his eyes. "When was the last time I did something stupid while out."

I gave him a knowing look.

"Don't answer that. If you're ready let's go."


One of Massimo's men's drived us to the club. 'Red Diamond' read in front of us in big red letters on top of the entrance of the building.

When we walked to the entrance, the buff man with completely black outfit and black sunglasses recognised us and immediately let us in.

The second we stepped inside the smell of cigarettes, alcohol and different perfumes and colognes filled our noses.

Everyone's heads turned to look at us but then quickly looked away not wanting to get in any trouble.

"You go and choose a nice table for us and I'm going to go and get us drinks." Diego spoke before disappearing into the crowd.

I looked around me and spotted an empty table in the left corner so I walked at it.

After a few minutes Diego came back with two drinks and sat opposite of me on the other side of the table and handed me the drink.

I thanked him and took a sip before looking around us.

"There's lots of people here although it's wednesday."

"Yeah." Diego nodded and started to look around too.

"Are you going home with someone tonight?" I questioned winking at him.

"Probably not. But you never know." He answered shrugging.


We had fun. We had a few drinks and danced. Now the clock showed that it was already 3 am so we decided to go home. We were both a little drunk. I was more tipsy when Diego was full on drunk.

One of Massimo's men picked us up and drove back home.

Immediately when we got home Diego walked into his room and I walked into my own.

The plan has worked. I didn't even remember that Massimo existed.

I walked in my room taking my heels off and left them at the door. I didnt turn on the lights but just started to undress. I was going to just take a shower and then go to bed so why would I need to turn the lights on? I then removed all of my jewelry and slipped out of my tiny dress leaving me just into my black lacy bra and silky underwear.

I opened the door of my bathroom and was just going to slip out of my underwear when a deep and raspy voice came from the other side of the dark room.

"You're home."

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