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     It was fall but not just fall October 31st, or as many people know it as Halloween

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     It was fall but not just fall October 31st, or as many people know it as Halloween. Madison was sitting in class like she had been all day staring out the window. She would've been paying attention if the class was actually a class but right now her favorite teacher had been telling the story of some witches that were hanged in the 17th century. But not just any witches, the Sanderson sisters to be particular. Being as though Madi had lived in Salem almost her whole life she had heard this story plenty of times before. She knew it like the back of her hand and she believed it too. Yes, she was one to believe the legend of the witches who used to take control of her home town and yes she loved knowing others believed it too. 

     But to be quite honest she hasn't actually paid attention to the past couple of class lessons but more or less to the boy sitting too seats away from her; Max Dennison. He had just moved to Salem the week before hand but everyone knew his name. Although he was already well known just for being new to Salem Madison was attracted to his west coast charm, for some reason it made her giddy every time she'd seen him when she came to the class. Madison was known to get very hooked on something and Max may have been the new thing she got hooked on.

    But as she checked her watch attached to her wrist under her sweater she realized class was only a few minutes away from ending so she had decided to stop drawing on her desk and tune into the story.

"Poor Thackery Binx. Neither his father nor his mother nor anyone else knew what became of him those 300 years ago." Miss.Olin said in a rather depressing tone of voice.

"And so, the Sanderson sisters were hanged by the Salem townsfolk. Now, there are those who say on Halloween night, a black cat still guards the old Sanderson house, warning off any who might make the witches come back to life." Miss.Oslin finished before throwing a piece of a black streamer at a student with a yell making everyone jump while the class laughed and clapped at the teachers antics.

But after Madi recomposed herself she heard a scoff come from her right. As she looked over at Max to see what he was doing all she saw was him shake his head while going back to drawing on his piece of paper before mumbling something Madi couldn't hear herself but could only assume was negative towards the story Miss.Olin had been sharing.

"Aha. We seem to have a skeptic in our midst." Miss.Olin said while looking at Max catching Madi's attention for this is the first time he really ever spoke up in class.

"Mr. Dennison, would you care to share your California, laid-back, tie-dyed, point of view?" Miss.Olin asked, clearly wanting to hear what the non Salem native had to say while the class laughed.

"Okay." Max smirked while looking over at Madi, seeing her chuckle at the words used to describe the brunette boy.

"Granted that you guys here in Salem are all into these black cats and witches and stuff-" Max said before Madi scoffed, making him look at her.

"Stuff?" Miss.Oslin questioned riling up the class.

"Fine. But everyone here knows that Halloween was invented by the candy companies." Max said while Madi stared at him in uncertainty.

"It's a conspiracy." Max said to the class causing them to all get loud.

That was until the it-girl of Jacob Bailey Highschool spoke up.

"It just so happens that Halloween is based on the ancient feast called All Hallows Eve. It's the one night of the year where the spirits of the dead can return to Earth." Allison, Madi's next door neighbor and friend, had rebutted.

"There you go, girlfriend." Madi said, turning around to high five the blonde while the class clapped in response.

When Madi had turned around again she noticed Max had stood up with a piece of paper in his hand, probably going to ask out Allison, something that was guaranteed to not work in his favor.

"Well, in case Jimi Hendrix shows up tonight, here's my number." Max said with confidence, handing Allison the piece of paper making the class chirp in response while the bell rang.

Grabbing her bag and shaking her head Madison could only look at Max who was doing the same. Clearly already knowing that Allison was going to reject the new boy Madison made her way to the door.

"Good luck buddy." was all she said before she made her way out of the classroom.

As if Allison, the girl every guy at Jacob Bailey Highschool wants was gonna get with him.

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