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As Max passed all of the children he had made it to the old Sanderson house sooner that he had expected

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As Max passed all of the children he had made it to the old Sanderson house sooner that he had expected. Everyone agreed that Max and Madi would go inside to distract the witches and get Dani while Allison would watch the car. So as Max and Madi had made their way inside it seemed to be in perfect timing as the witches were trying to feed Dani something.

"Prepare to die!" Max said, stopping all three of the witches in their tracks.

"You have no powers here, you fool!" Winifred had said while the same two guys hanging in cages above the witches yelled out at Max, clearly having remembered him from earlier.

"Maybe not! But there's a power greater than your magic, and that's knowledge!" Max said, stumbling across his words.

"And there's one thing that we know that you don't!" Madi yelled out.

"And what is that, dude?" Winifred said, mocking the newer generation's way of speaking.

"Daylight savings time." Max said, sending the signal to Allison.

"' Daylight savings time." the witches laughed before Allison had turned on the car's headlights making the witches wince while screaming about the sun and how it was burning them.

Madi took this time to run over to Dani and untie her while Max had run over to the fire to grab Binx who was inside of a knitted bag. Once Dani was untied she had hugged Madi before grabbing Binx from Max's hands heading out of the door before Max was getting called back by the guys.

"Hey! Let me outta here! Help! Help! Hey! Hollywood! Help us out here." They yelled out while Madi looked over at the brunette boy who shook his head before going up to one of the boys, taking off his shoes.

"Tubular." Max said before Madi's had reached up, spinning the two around in their cages before running out of the door, behind Max and Dani.

"Max! I wanna see her turn to dust!" Dani said, stopping the two older ones in their places as they looked at Allison who was urging them to get the car.

"Pump it!" Dani yelled out as they all ran over to the car before getting inside

Buckling up Madi had gotten into the passenger seat before Max had backed into the directions sign not caring enough before going onto the road and driving away. But only driving at a rather slow speed due to the road being filled with children trying to make their way into the old Sanderson house. But with enough patience they had made it past the group of kids and were currently speeding down the backroad and back to Max's house.

"Step on it, Max!" Dani said, urgent to get home before Max looked behind him.

"Are they following us?" Max asked Madi who turned around and shook her head.

"Nope." she said smiling, trying to destress the boy.

"Good." he smiled back as they all kept their eyes on the road in front of them.

But soon enough their peace was gone as Madi looked out of Max's window to see Winifred outside of it.

"Pull over! Let me see your driver's permit." she yelled out, putting her hand around Max's throat trying to choke him only for him to push her away.

"Resisting arrest?" the redhead asked, coming back up trying to tug on Max's shirt before he slapped her in the face causing her to fall back into a ditch.

The group erupted into fits of cheers as they had changed their route, deciding to go to the old cemetery instead due to the fact that witches can't step foot there so they would be less of a threat. And when the group had made it they were quick to run inside. Nonetheless the witches were still just as quick as them if not quicker. While the three girls were running they realized the lack of sound behind them and stopped to turn around only to see Max on the ground with Winifred's old lover looking down at him.

"Max!" Dani yelled seeing her older brother pull out a knife on the zombie man while Madi made her way closer towards the two.

"Run, Dani, run!" Max said as Allison grabbed the little girls hand before running off as Madi made her way still to try and help Max only to get caught off when she heard a familiar and unwelcomed voice.

"Billy!" Winifred yelled out, catching everyone's attention.

"Billy, listen to me!" the ginger continued to yell as the zombie had snatched Max into his grasp as they both struggled.

"Kill those two lovebirds if you must! just bring me that child, that Dani! And put some wiggle in it, you putrid, festering sore!" she had yelled out as Madi watched Billy grab ahold of Max's pocket knife and cut open the stitches keeping his mouth sewn shut.

"Don't dawdle! Come along now! Kill him! Do it now!" Winifred yelled out clearly, too eager to notice the moths and dust flying out of Billy's mouth.

"Wench! Trollop! You buck toothed, mop-riding firefly from hell!" Billy yelled out causing Madi to chuckle as she made her way closer up to the zombie, standing right next to him.

In the meantime Winnie had yelled out clearly taking a lot of offense to the comments that Billy had made.

"I've waited centuries to say that." Billy mumbled to the boy he held in his grasp while Max still struggled.

"Well, say what you want. just don't breathe on me." Max commented in disgust to the smell of a 300 year old body.

"Billy! I killed you once! I shall kill you again, you maggoty malfeasance!" Winifred said as Billy just shooed her away as he turned to look at Madison who smiled at him, sticking out her hand for balance as the three walked away.

"Hang on to your heads!" the redhead yelled as she flew away clearly not scaring any three of her victims as they proceeded to walk, ignoring her voice.

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