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After thinking of places to search, Dani had practically bugged max for all of 15 minutes about going to see their parents

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After thinking of places to search, Dani had practically bugged max for all of 15 minutes about going to see their parents. Allison and Madi didn't think it was such a bad idea, Max on the other hand thought it was a terrible one. Putting down her idea until Madi had told him to give in. The next ten minutes were walking to town square and Madi was awfully out of breath, having not been one for walking much in her own time. But soon enough they arrived and boy did it look huge.

"Ah, great. How are we ever gonna find Mom and Dad in this place?" Max said as the group had walked inside.

Going up the stairs to the second floor almost doubled Madi's heart attack due to the amount of people she saw once she got to the top. Not knowing what to do with the highly dressed up middle aged adults Madi decided to find her way to the beverage section first thing. Pouring herself some punch and going back over to Max she followed him through all of the people.

"I'm gonna look for Mom." Dani spoke up.

"Okay be careful and don't get snatched up." Madi said too busy trying to get fluids in her system to care.

Soon enough Max jumped, catching Madi's attention.

"Oh. Dad!" Max said relieved.

"It's not Dad. It's Dadcula." Max's Dad said, making Madi giggle.

"Oh, my goodness. Who must these charming young blood donors be?" the older man had asked, looking in Madi and Allison's direction.

"Oh hi, I'm Madi." the brunette girl spoke up.

"Dad! Something terrible happened." Max said, cutting off the introductions.

"Dani? What's wrong?" Max's father said as his face dropped.

"No, Dani's fine." Max said.

"Good. Excuse me. Come here." Max's dad said before the two left Allison and Madi to themselves.

In the meantime Madi decided to take a look around the place. There was a performance by people dressed as skeletons. And plenty of partiers. Eventually five minutes had passed and Madi and Allison had gotten pulled back to explain everything to Max's parents who did not believe the kids' stories at all. The groups talking over one another had stopped soon though once Dani pulled on Madi's sleeve, pointing in a direction where everyone looked.

"Oh my god they're here. What do we do?" Madi spoke up to Max in panic.

"Here hold this." Max said, once again handing the spellbook to Madi before heading off in the direction of the stage while Madi was talking to Dani and her mom, trying best to explain.

Eventually the music was cut off and Max was indeed standing on the stage with a microphone in his hand.

"Will everybody listen up, please? Your kids are in danger." Max started off with, causing Madi to facepalm her hand as the crowd went into an outrage.

"300 years ago the Sanderson Sisters bewitched people. Now they've returned from their grave." Max said while the crowd just laughed at him.

"Hey, man, I'm serious! It's not a joke!" Max said, grabbing ahold of the main singers jacket.

"I know this sounds dumb but they're here tonight. They're right over there!" Max said as the crowd jumped back while the spotlight was put on them.

"Thank you, Max, for that marvelous introduction." Winnie had said as the crowd laughed before Madi went up on the stage to get Max to come down.

"I put a spell on you. And now you're mine. You can't stop the things I do. I ain't lyin'" Winnie sang out as the crowd laughed back at her.

"Come on Max let's go" Madi tried to say, grabbing a hold of his hand.

"Been 300 years right down to the day. Now the witch is back and there's hell to pay. i put a spell on you" Winnie continued to sing as the crowd cheered loving her energy.

"Good joke. Happy Halloween. Thanks a lot." the main singer said to Max.

"No, man, I'm serious!" Max tried to say as Madi continued to pull the boy's hand.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. You had, you had your fun." the guy said still not believing Max.

"You gotta believe me! I'm not kidding!" Max argued.

"Come on Max, we have to go." Madi said, finally pulling the boy down from the stage and over near Dani and Allison.

As the group walked together backwards, making sure to keep an eye on the witches they clearly had forgotten about the dead man after the four since they had all managed to bump into him. As the rest ran away Madi threw her unfinished drink in the creature's face as Max pulled her hand along the crowd. And almost as in a flash the group was back to Max's parents. But as they watched the witches in front of them they realized the zombie-like boy was right behind them causing them all to scream and run away once again. Right out the door and down the street as far away from those witches they could get. 

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