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When the kids felt safe enough they finally made a turn into an alleyway with crates and trash bins, somewhere they felt they could hide for a little while

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When the kids felt safe enough they finally made a turn into an alleyway with crates and trash bins, somewhere they felt they could hide for a little while. Finally after catching his breath Max huffed before kicking the metal trash cans causing Madi to come up behind him and place a hand on his shoulder.

"This is really bad!" Max exclaimed before he looked at Madi.

"Yes but don't make it worse just because you're angry." Madi rebutted the boy's attitude.

"Look, I want you to take Dani back to your house and don't let her out of your sight!" Max told Allison while Dani clung onto Madi.

"Max, I'm not leaving you." Dani said before a door opened causing the group to all squat down behind the wooden crates as some worker from inside of what seemed to be a seafood restaurant went over to a tank to pick out a lobster before heading back inside.

Everything seemed fine until.

"Uh-oh." Binx said, making the group turn to look in the direction the feline was looking in only to see the three witches from before.

"Get down!" Madi whispered as they all went back to squatting behind the wooden crates.

As the group watched they saw Mary in front of the two other witches using her nose to try and sniff out the children around them. Madi winced as she kept a hold of Dani in between her and Max while Allison hid next to an old oven behind them.

"I smell-" Mary said, coming closer towards the group.

"Winnie, I smell-" the raven haired witch continued standing in place.

"I smell scrod." she finally got out causing the group of kids to finally unstiffen and let out silent sighs.

Mary would be dead once again if looks could kill. While Mary tried to explain herself Winnie took a hold of her jaw, showing her in the opposite direction they had come while Sarah had stayed behind in her place staring at the area where the children where before her name was called by her sister causing her to turn around and run in the other two sisters directions.

Meanwhile while Allison tried to squeeze her way out from in between the brick wall and the oven she grabbed onto the handle causing the oven to open loudly gaining a wince from everyone in the group even Allison herself. But in the second that they all stared at her Allison had come up with an idea.

"I have an idea." the blonde stated before shutting the oven while standing up causing the rest to follow her as she explained.

The goal was to eventually get the witches to come to Jacob Bailey Highschool so they could burn within one of the many ovens the school had. The group knew it wouldn't take long to get the witches to find them for the school was just a few blocks down and if they could leave obvious hints they were sure to be found soon. As Madi sat in the principal's office with Max she stared out of the window, making sure to tell him that the witches had come inside. Soon enough that signal came within ten minutes since Allison developed her plan. It was time for the games to begin.

"Welcome to High School Hell. I'm your host, Boris Karloff Jr. And I'm here with my co-host Lauren Montgomery." Max had said before Madi sent him a thumbs up.

"It's time to meet our three contestants: Sarah, Mary and Winifred Sanderson." Max proceeded as Madi walked over as he held the microphone up for her to talk into it.

"Read any good spell books lately girls?" Madi said in an almost teasing tone before the two turned off the microphone smiling at one another.

In the moment the two made sure to quietly leave the office and go hide in the pottery room with Dani and Allison who were playing a french speaking lesson tape to try and lure the old women in. Which worked because the three witches all ran into the large oven cheering thinking that they found the kids who were hiding from them only to find an empty room and a speaker. Soon enough all four of the kids used their strength to shut the door behind the three women, locking it before turning the heat on watching the fire begin. The four kids plus their friend Thackery all watched the witches burn through the small window, screaming.

Soon enough the group made their way outside of the school, cheering, jumping, screaming, knowing they had finally defeated Salem's biggest threats yet. As they all ran down the street happily Allison, Dani and Madi had all been far too excited to sit still while Max stood with Thackery on a tree.

"We did it, Binx. We stopped them." Max said happily.

"I've wanted to do that for 300 years, since they took Emily." Binx said upsettingly.

"You really miss her, don't you?" Max asked only for Thackery to close his eyes, trying to keep composure.

"Man, you can't keep blaming yourself for that. That happened so long ago." Max said, trying to cheer up the cat in front of him.

"Take good care of Dani, Max." Binx said as the two looked over that the three girls squealing and giggling with one another

"And Madi." he continued as they both watched the older girl play around with Dani, chasing after one another and jumping in the air.

"Dani's going to need a girl like her around to keep her safe. You'll never know how precious she is until you lose her. That goes for either of them." The feline finished off as he jumped down from the tree, starting to walk away.

"Hey, Binx! Where do you think you're goin'? You're a Dennison now, buddy. One of us." Max said loud enough for Dani to hear.

"Come on, Binx, let's go home." Dani said excitedly.

"Home." Binx said before running over Allison and Dani who were skipping together while Madi stood still waiting for Max to catch up.

"Home?" Madi questioned teasingly.

"Home." Max said before wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

As the two proceeded to walk back to the Dennison household they both realized that some felt right about being with one another. Like it was destiny. Like it was meant to be.

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