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After lots of running, trying to keep up with the cat next to them the group eventually stopped at a giant gate

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After lots of running, trying to keep up with the cat next to them the group eventually stopped at a giant gate. Not quite knowing where she was, Madi looked around to see any familiar sites before Max spoke up.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Come on! This is a graveyard!" Max lightly objected, feeling set up.

"Why are we here?" Madi asked, confused.

"It's hallowed ground. Witches can't set foot here." The cat had responded to the girl making the brunette's eyes widen in shock while looking at Max who seemed unfazed.

"He talks." Max explained while the girls just remained confused on how such things were possible.

Soon enough the cat stops staring at the group before hopping through the gate.

"Follow me!" he had said while the group that stood in front of the gate pushed it open before heading inside, following the cat.

"Over here. I want to show you something. Give you an idea of exactly what we're dealing with." the cat said, leading the group through the oddly laid out cemetery, with Dani the closest behind him while the others were following.

Soon enough the group stopped at a grave. One that they had clearly never seen before.

"William Butcherson, lost soul?" Max read off the grave in front of him.

"Billy Butcherson was Winifred's lover, but she found him sporting with her sister Sarah, so she poisoned him and sewed his mouth shut with a dull needle so he couldn't tell her secrets even in death." the cat had explained to the group.

"She seems like the jealous type." Dani remarked.

"You're Thackery Binx." Madi spoke up.


"Huh. So the legends are true." Allison responded enthused.

"Well, come along. I want to show you something else." Thackery said, making his way to yet another grave but one that seemed familiar.

As the group all sat down they decided to listen to what the cat had to say. It sounded almost nearly identical to how the group was told before. They weren't even the slightest bit surprised about it in fact they felt even worse for the boy knowing the story from how he explained it.

"Because of me my little sister's life was stolen. For years I waited for my life to end so I could be reunited with my family. But Winifred's curse of immortality kept me alive. Then one day I figured out what to do with my eternal life. Now, I'd failed Emily, but I wouldn't fail again. When Winifred and her sisters returned, I'd be there to stop them. So for three centuries I've guarded the house on All Hallows Night, when I knew some airhead virgin might light that candle." Thackery explained while Madi had nudged the boy next to her.

"Nice going, airhead." Dani commented.

"Hey, look, I'm sorry, okay?" Max said, standing up looking at the group.

"We're talking about three ancient hags versus the 20th century. How bad can it be?" the brunette boy questioned.

"Bad." the cat said out of spite.

Meanwhile Allison held the book in her hands, deciding to open it with her curiosity only to get yelled at in return.

"Stay out of there!"

"Why?" the girl asked, shutting it.

"It holds Winifred's most dangerous spells. She must not get it." Thackery said.

"Well, let's torch the sucker." Max said, before throwing the book on the group, opening his lighter trying to burn it.

"It's protected by magic." the cat said, causing Max to stop trying before the group heard a loud cackle in the sky causing them to jump and turn around.

There up in the sky were the three witches that the group did not want to see.

"It's just a bunch of hocus pocus!" Winifred said, making fun of what Max had said before while the group had ran to hide before a rock.

Soon enough the rather attractive blonde witch was headed their way causing Dani to grab a hold on Madi's arm while they started to back away.

"Brave little virgin who lit the candle. I'll be thy friend." she had said while Allison grabbed a rather long tree branch.

"Hey, take a hike!" Allison yelled while hitting the old witch with the branch causing her to fly away after getting scratched causing the group to go back to hiding.

"Book! Come to Mommy." Winifred yelled out, causing the book to lift into air before Thackery had jumped on top of it keeping it on the ground.

"Fraid not!"

"Thackery Binx, thou mangy feline! Still alive?" Winifred yelled out before the group rushed over to the spellbook just in case anything else were to happen.

"And waiting for you!" Thackery had yelled out.

"Ohh! Thou hast waited in vain! And thou will fail to save thy friends, just as thou failed to save thy sister!" Wini finished off while Thackery had given a loud yowl towards her.

"Grab the book!" Max yelled while Madi had grabbed it and started running.

Following Thackery who was also running away from the ginger beast who was behind the group and near as well. Eventually they got cut off when Mary had come into view in front of them, making them turn around and head another direction uphill, meeting their beloved feline friend at the top.

"They can't touch us here, right?" Max asked out of breath.

"Well, they can't." Thackery said, making Madi's eyebrows furrow.

"Why'd you say it like that?" Maid asked worriedly.

"Unfaithful lover long since dead, deep asleep in thy wormy bed, wiggle thy toes, open thine eyes, twist thy fingers toward the sky. Life is sweet. Be not too shy. On thy feet, so sayeth I!" Winifred yelled out with a loud cackle causing the ground to shake almost as if there was an earthquake.

Noticing that something was coming up from the ground, everything connected in Madi's brain for what was about to happen. She moved back causing the group to follow her as they all sat near the ground waiting for the shaking to stop. And eventually it did. But not soon after it had stopped shaking had an arm lifted out of the dirt along with what seemed to be a whole body. Before the creature had turned to them causing the whole group's eyes to widen. In sync they all screamed before running away from whatever had happened. Soon enough Thackery found a big enough hole for the group to fit into before he ran into it. Waiting for Allison and Dani to go in, Madi and Max were left outside of the hole. Turning around the girl noticed the green tinted creature right behind them, the only thing separating the two was a giant tree branch. Out of panic Madi went to pull back the tree branch, but not having quite enough strength to pull it back as far as she wanted. Max noticed and decided to help her pull the branch back before deciding to let go at the same time causing Billy's head to get hit off.

"Yes!" the two let out before high fiving one another before noticing the body kept moving causing the two to panic.

Running over to the hole Madi crawled in first, almost falling causing Max to come in soon after and do the same. Once they did they finally reached the others. And with deep breaths the two stood up and got ready to walk. 

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