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 Before the group heard a loud and rather wicked cackle come from inside outside of the house

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 Before the group heard a loud and rather wicked cackle come from inside outside of the house. And soon the door whipped open causing Max's heart to race as he ducked down next to the container holding the spell book, dragging Madi down with him.

"Good going Dennison." Madi whispered before Max put his hand on top of the brunette's mouth to make her stay quiet.

"We are home! Oh, sweet revenge! Do you see, sisters? My curse worked perfectly!" a loud voice said, causing Madi to wince in fear.

"I knew I left this cauldron on. Didn't I tell you? Oh, I knew it." a different voice said.

"My lucky rat tail! just where I left it!" a final voice said.

"But who lit the black flame candle? Hmm." the first voice said before Madi heard feet walking towards her and Max.

"Wake up. Wake up, sleepyhead." a light tapping came from above the two, who Madi could only assume was one of the Sanderson sisters as the woman spoke words of affirmation to the book.

"Winnie." Another voice said, catching the attention of the first one.


"I smell children." The other voice said, causing Max and Madi to widen their eyes at the thought of Dani.

"Sic 'em!"

Madi heard the footsteps getting farther from her causing her heart to skip a beat at the thought of Dani getting caught.

"It's a little girl."

"Seven. Maybe eight. And a half." one voice said as Madi grabbed Max's hand that was over her mouth to take it off.

"Ooh, let us play with her!" another voice said before they started singing before it suddenly stopped.

"Come out, my dear. We will not harm thee." the voice Madi could match as Winifred said.

"We love children!" a final voice said before banging on the counter causing Dani to scream showing that she had been caught.

"I thought thou would never come, sisters." Dani said, making Madi wince from where she was.

"Greetings, little one." Winifred said.

"'Twas I who brought you back." Dani responded.

"Imagine." Winifred paused.

"Such a pretty little...child."

"Look at her. And she's so well fed, isn't she?" Another voice said.

"Plump. Plump! Shis-ka-baby." the voice said as Dani let out tiny little screams making Madi look over at what was happening.

"Tell me, dumpling, what is the year?" Winifred asked as Madi still watched.

"1993." Dani responded, causing Winnie to gasp.

"Sisters, we have been gone for 300 years." Winnie said, making Dani sit down in a chair as the other two surrounded her.

"Well, Winnie, how time flies, huh? When you're dead!" the other witch said, causing them to break out into laughter, Dani trying to fit in was laughing too until she was the only one left causing the same witch who made the joke to snarl at her.

"It's been great fun, but I-I guess I'd better be going." Dani said, trying to get up from the seat.

"Oh, stay for supper."

"I'm- I'm- I'm not hungry." Dani said quickly.

"Oh, but we are."

And soon Dani tried running but was caught by the two other witches. Madi winced not knowing what to do before Max stood up.

"Hey!" Max yelled out getting a full good view of what was going on, stopping all three witches in their tracks.

"Let go of my little sister." Max said walking around the case he hid behind.

"Roast him, Winnie." the black haired witch said.

"No, let me. Let me play with him." the blonde once butted in before Max fell to the floor due to Winifred's magic, causing Madi to gasp. 

That wasn't it as the red head had used her magic to drag him closer near the wall.

"You. There." she had said, pointing her finger at the wall making Max's body follow her directions unwillingly, causing the three witches to burst out into a fit of giggles.

"I haven't lost my touch, sisters. See?" Winifred said as Dani tried to break free from Mary's grasp but there was no luck.

As Mary held the small girl back from her brother Winifred had managed to turn him around. Quick enough he looked around from Madison but couldn't find her, due to her quickly turning around the corner and out of the view from the three sisters.

"Hello. Good-bye." Winnie said, causing the boy to be lifted among the wall he was held against.

Seeing him groan in pain, Madi stood up and very quickly ran to knock over the redhead. In the meantime Allison took over handling Mary and Dani took over beating Sarah with her candy bag. As Dani ran over to Winifred tried to pull her off but only failed when Madi had pulled her off. Luckily enough for them the spider from before jumped on Winnie's back causing a minor setback with the conflict. In the meantime Dani helped Max up while they all tried to run out. All except for Max himself, the reason for the sisters being there. As the witches all recovered Max climbed up to the loft of the house, near the sprinkler that was installed only years prior.

"Hey!" the brunette boy yelled out gathering the sisters attention.

"You've messed with the great and powerful Max and now must suffer the consequences. I summon the burning rain of death." Max announced, causing the three to look at once another and question what the younger boy had said.

"He makes fire in his hand." Winifred said noticing the lighter but not knowing it was due to such a device.

As Max lifted it up to the sprinkler water started squirting out causing the three rather un-modernized women to freak out. Yelling about the rain of death and freaking out while running to get under the loft of the house, trying to avoid the water from touching them. Taking this as his chance Max jumped down from the loft and tried to run out the door but slipped and fell on his back in the meantime. As he tried to get up he felt a lightweight jump on his chest causing him to look up at what it was only to see the same black cat that had been harassing the people in the house.

"Nice going, Max!" the creature said, causing Max's eyes to widen.

"You can talk." the boy said shocked, not knowing how to react.

"Yeah, no kidding. Now, get the spell book." the cat said while Max just sat still, staring, not knowing what to say.

"Come on, move it!" the cat hissed, slapping Max with its paw before jumping off of his stomach as Max got up, making the older woman who were barely ten feet away from him watch him, unknown to why the burning rain of death wasn't affecting the boy.

Deciding to take the stand that had information about the cauldron max used it to smash the glass encasing the spell book that was Winifred's those three hundred years ago. Working his way around the glass Max grabbed the book, ignoring the yelling of the older woman who was being held back by the other two before making his way outside of the house, drenched in water. Ready to meet up with the others.

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