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The group only had to walk about 15 minutes to finally make their way back to the Dennison household

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The group only had to walk about 15 minutes to finally make their way back to the Dennison household. The house was relatively big, a little cramped due to the unfinished unpacking but still gave off a nice homey vibe to it.

"Mom? Dad?" Max yelled out, flicking on the lights.

"We got a new cat! Mom?" Dani said not receiving a response, deciding to go get Binx something to eat.

"Well, I guess they're still partying. Come on in." Max said to the two older girls while Allison followed Dani, deciding to help her, and Madi stayed put looking around the room.

"Sorry for it being such a mess." Max said, realizing the amount of cardboard boxes still unemptied.

"It looks nice. I like it." Madi said, giving a soft smile to the brunette boy before going into the kitchen where everyone else was.

Soon enough a can of tuna was emptied into a bowl and was being carried by Allison while Dani led the way to Max's room. Max was last in line, this being the one time he was fine with anyone being in his room. Deciding to place the tuna on the floor Dani had made her way onto Max's bed, Allison following suit. Meanwhile Madi looked around, being entranced in Max's style.

"You're my kitty now." Dani said petting the cat on the floor next to the bed, eating his tuna.

"You'll have milk and tuna fish every day, and you'll only hunt mice for fun." Dani said making Binx stop eating.

"You're going to turn me into one of those fat, useless, contented house cats." Binx said, taking offense to Dani's new style of life for him.

"You betcha." Dani giggled as she laid down next to Allison while Binx hopped up on the bed next to her.

"You know, Binx, I'll always take care of you. My children will take care of you too. And then their children after that, and theirs after that, forever and ever...and ever." Dani said falling asleep while Allison shut her eyes the sound of silence in the room while

In the meantime Max had managed to grab some blankets and two pillows for him and Madi. She was sitting on the stairs at this point and was starting to fall asleep on the bare wooden floor. Max simply held the girl up while he situated himself next to her before he held her closely to him as he watched her chest rise and fall with every inhale and exhale. Soon enough their breathing patterns had synced while Max had fallen asleep with what seemed to be an angel in his arms.

Only a mere two hours had passed before Max and Madi were awakened from the sound of footsteps. Rushed ones at that. Madi opened her eyes only to see Allison putting on her sweater from the night before.

"Allison what are you doing?" Madi whispered, trying to not wake up Dani.

"It's 5:00 Madi." Allison said as Madi's eyes widened, looking around the room finding a clock that did indeed have the time of 5:04 on it.

"Oh god." Madi said going to stand up only to be met with dizziness making her sit right back down where she was before.

"Poor Binx." Madi said her eyes set on the cat wrapped up in Dani's arms.

"We owe him a lot." Allison said, staring at the cat herself.

"Look, could we find some kind of way to help him?" Max suggested looking between the two older girls.

"The book. The witches used it to put the spell on. Maybe there's a way in here to take it off." Allison suggested while Madi just shook her head as the girl sat down, about to open the book.

"Allison I don't know about that, Binx told us not to." Madi said, a little anxious.

"Well, the witches are dead. What harm could it do?" Allison said, looking between the two brunettes.

"Well, just be careful." Max suggested.

"I will." Allison said before she unlatched the front of the book while Max grabbed a hold of Madison's hand, sitting down next to Allison.

Soon enough the blonde girl opened the book before looking at the two next to her.

"Nothing weird so far." Allison said as she started flipping through the pages.

The inside of the book looked the same as the group had expected it to look. Almost like any other spellbook they may have seen in a movie or in a cartoon. Madi had noticed that the book had an odd yellow-ish glow itself that was indeed very off putting to the brunette.

"Oh, listen to this. Only a circle of salt can protect thy victims from thy power." Allison read out loud before a small black figure hopped on top of the book, shutting it.

Madi had noticed it was Binx and already knew he wouldn't be happy.

"We were just trying to help you." Allison said, a little annoyed.

"Well, don't! Nothing good can come from this book. You got it?" Binx lectured the three kids sitting in front of him before jumping off of the book.

"Come on Allison, it's time to go." Madi said standing up from where they were sitting having the other two follow suit.

As they all left Max's room Madi and Allison waited at the top of steps while Max checked inside of his parents room to see if they were home. Only to see that they weren't.

"Still not home. That's weird. Must be having a great time." Max suggested with a smile on his face that immediately transferred to Madi's while Allison walked downstairs.

"I don't know. Something's not right. I'd feel a lot safer walking home if we had some salt." Allison said as the other two followed her down into the kitchen.

But Allison was right, something didn't feel right and Madi didn't know why. 

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