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     As the two Dennison siblings made their way into the big house the two were met with classical music

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     As the two Dennison siblings made their way into the big house the two were met with classical music. The house was filled with Halloween decorations and looked better than any house they had gone to trick or treat at already. As the two said trick or treat Madi had turned around from where she was sipping her cider to see who it was.

"Hey Max." Madi had said snapping the two out of their trance with the house.

"Oh hey Madison." Max had said, making his younger sister smile.

"Madison?" she questioned with a smile.

"I'm pretty sure my brother likes you" she blurted out staring at the older girl making her eyes widen.

"No I don't." Max said furrowing his eyebrows with a chuckle.

"What's your name hun?" Madi asked the younger girl.


"Well Dani I think you have me mixed up with Allison, does that name ring a bell?" Madi said with a small smile.

"Oh." Dani said with a small smile making Madi chuckle before looking at Max.

"Take as much as you want Dani." the older girl said in reference to the bowl of candy.

"So I take it that you're on trick or treating duty." Madi asked Max, making him nod.

"And you're on candy duty?" Max asked, making Madi nod.

"Well you look good while doing your job." Max complimented having Madi's cheeks go red.

     And Max wasn't lying, Madi did look good. Her lacy back gown reached the floor and her diamond crown and necklace made her look all the more like a princess which was what she was going for. Dani agreed with Max while picking out her favorite pieces of candy from the bowl. As the two brunettes held eye contact it was soon broken off by Allison herself.

"Max Dennison." Allison said from the top of the steps grabbing all three of theirs attention.

"Allison." Max said quickly, taking his hat off before stuffing it into his back pocket.

"Ohh. Allison, hmm?" Dani said looking at Madi making the brunette girl nod with a chuckle.

"I thought you weren't into Halloween." Allison asked walking down the stairs.

"I'm not. I'm, I'm just taking my little sister Dani around." Max said, grabbing Dani's hand from the candy bowl while Allison stood next to Madi.

"That's nice." Allison said in regards to the siblings' relationship.

"I always do it." Max said, putting his arm around Dani.

"My parents made him." the younger girl said, making Madi giggle, causing Max to look over to her with a shy smile.

"Do you guys want some cider?" Allison offered to make Dani's small no get overruled by Max's sure.

While Allison and Max walked near Madi the brunette had decided to stand with Dani, someone she could actually see herself being friends with despite the age gap. Meanwhile while the two were talking while drinking their cider Dani had finally spoken up.

"Do you think my brother is cute?" Dani said looking up at Madi making Madi nervous giggle.

"I mean he's attractive, that's for sure." Madi said a little shocked by the boldness of the younger Dennison sibling.

"I don't know what he sees in Allison." Dani said, staring at the two.

"He doesn't, he simply sees Allison, that's it." Madi said, looking at the candy bowl for something to stop her from talking anymore.

Deciding on a lollipop she had unwrapped the wrapper and placed the piece of candy in her mouth before Allison and Max could walk back to them.

"By the way, Dani, I love your costume." Allison said with a nice smile.

"Thank you. I really like your guy's too." Dani said facing Allison after looking at Madi.

"Of course, I couldn't wear anything like that because I don't have any-- What do you call 'em, Max? Yabos?" Dani said ratting out her brother was already known to be guilty by the way he spit his drink out back into his cup.

Trying to save himself he laughed it off, sending glares to the younger girl when Allison wasn't looking.

"Max likes your yabos. In fact, he loves 'em." Dani added on even making Madi's eyes go big as she looked towards Max in shock.

"I'm really into witches." Allison said deciding to switch the topic before it could get any worse.

"Really? Me too." Dani said with a smile.

"We just learned about those sisters in school." Dani said, making Madi take her lollipop out of her mouth.

"The Sanderson sisters?" Madi questioned receiving a nod from Dani.

"I love learning about them." Madi said before going back to eating her candy.

"I know all about them. My mom used to run the museum." Allison said clearly excited about the topic.

"There's a museum about 'em?" Dani said pretty excited to hear that news.

"Yeah, but they shut it down because, um, a lot of spooky things happened there." Allison said trying to not scare Dani too bad before Max spoke up.

"Well, wh-why don't we go to this old Sanderson house?" Max said clearly trying to buy more time with Allison, not thinking it through.

"Max, I don't think that's a good idea." Madi said, giving him a look while Dani silently begged not too, causing him to look away from Allison.

"Well, come on, don't you wanna make a believer out of me." Max said to Madi which caused her to sigh before looking at Allison.

"Okay, let us get changed. They'll never miss us." Allison said walking towards the stairs causing Madi to sigh once again before following Allison to her room where she had gone to change.

      Meanwhile downstairs Dani was once again arguing with Max about not wanting to go to the old Sanderson house. But Max practically begged her. Be got on his knees and told her about how Allison was the girl of his dreams and he didn't wanna ruin his chances with her. But Dani knew how to get her way, she convinced Max to dress up as Wendy and Peter Pan the next year. Soon enough the boy caved as the two waited at the bottom of the stairs for the two girls in order to start their adventure. 

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