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Max had finally managed to find the salt after looking almost everywhere

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Max had finally managed to find the salt after looking almost everywhere. He tossed it down to Madi who handed it to Allison before Max had gotten down from the counter.

"What's it say?" Max asked.

"Uh, it says form a circle of salt to protect from zombies, witches and old boyfriends." Allison read out looking over at Madison with a smirk.

"Yeah? And what about new boyfriends?" Max said, looking at the girl next to him.

Madi's heart rate had quickened as she looked into the older boy's eyes. Seeing a tiny sparkle in them as they slowly got closer to one another. Right when Max had placed his hand on top of Madi's, a loud sound of glass shattering caused all three of the kids in the kitchen to look up at where the sound came from.

"Oh god Dani." Madi said out loud moving away from the two others before running up the stairs.

"Dani!" Madi yelled out as they made their way back into Max's room.

And when they made their way inside Dani was there. In Max's bed almost as if nothing had happened.

"The book is gone." Allison said as they all looked at the spot where Allison had put it before only for it to not be there.

"I'm telling you, something's weird." the blonde girl had said, holding the salt close to her.

"We should get Dani and leave." Madi said before going over to the bed.

"Dani, let's go." Max said as the brunette girl removed the covers only to reveal Sarah Sanderson herself underneath.

"Trick or treat!" the bimbotic female had yelled out causing Madi to scream.

As the brunette backed up into the closet only for it to open causing for her to turn around.

"Looking for this?" Winifred had said holding up her spellbook.

"Or this?" Mary said as she held her hand over Dani's mouth.

Max stared at the book only for the singular eyeball to blink causing him to freak out as Winnie had opened the book, sending him flying back into his drum kit. As the three witches managed to find it absolutely hilarious Madi and Allison stood side by side as they alternated the salt, creating a circle around themselves just like the container had said.

"Salt! Ha! What a clever little white witch. But it will not save thy friends." the red head had said as Madi held the salt out ready to throw it on whoever was bold enough to try something.

"Come, sisters. The candle's magic is almost spent. Dawn approaches." Winifred announced as they all walked up the steps in Max's room.

Sarah had stopped mid way to stick her tongue out at the two girls before running behind the two others. Dani had proceeded to cry out for her older brother. As the witches left they had left a lot of damage behind. Both Madi and Allison were knocked to the ground as were different pieces of the widow's walk. Allison was quick to get up and try calling out for Dani as Madi ran over to Max to see if he was okay, noticing he hadn't spoken a word since he had gotten knocked down.

"Are you okay? You have to get up." Madi said, helping the boy up from the ground as he winced.

"Where's Dani?" Max asked.

"Those Witches took her. If you get up we can go get her." Madi said as Max nodded before the group had made it out of the house.

As they all looked around they noticed almost all of the kids of Salem were walking in one direction. Following the sound of what had to have been one of the witches' voices. Like zombies. With no emotion or expression on their face. Just walking.

"Hey! Hey, you guys! Don't listen to her!" Max yelled out but not catching the attention of anyone.

"Guys, I've figured it out." Allison said as they both turned to her.

"What is it?" Madi asked wanting to know the soonest way to possibly fix this.

"Winifred said...the candle's magic will soon be spent...and dawn approaches. The black flame candle only brought them back for this one Halloween night. And unless they can steal the lives of children when the sun comes up they're dust." Allison explained.

"Yeah but unless we have some sort of magic we can't make the sun come up any sooner." Madi said, drawing a blank to any idea that may work.

"They've got Dani. We need a miracle." Max said.

And with those words Max had run back inside of his house. Only for a second that time. And when he came back out he came with car keys. Quick enough he had made his way to the driver's seat as Madi and Allison had gotten in the back. Soon enough they were off to the old Sanderson house hoping they would make it in time to save Dani. 

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