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The four kids finally left Allison's house

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The four kids finally left Allison's house. Both Madi and Dani couldn't wait to get it over with. Dani was ever so slightly freaked out based off of what the kids in her class told her. Meanwhile Madi just was trying her hardest not to gag with how obsessed Max was with Allison. Call it jealousy or call it something else, Madi didn't care but she was just ready to get home. As the group got closer a stone wall was placed next to them, probably as an attempt to not let anyone on the property.

"Legend has it that the bones of a hundred children were buried within these walls." Allison said with a small smirk towards the other three.

"Oh, great." Dani said

"Don't worry Dani, I'll make sure to protect you." Madi said in a comforting tone as they made their way up to the gate, looking through it to try and see the old house.

Before they could stall any longer and risk getting caught Allison pushed open the gate and the group made their way up to the house. Something about it had an eerie vibe to it, something that could even freak Madi out. As the four made their way up the stairs of the house and inside they were met with pitch black darkness, dust and plenty of cobwebs that touched Allison before they could even get to Madi.

"I can't see a thing." Dani said before trying to maneuver her way to Madi in an attempt to stay with the girl who said she was going to protect her.

"Well, there's a light switch around here somewhere." Allison said before Max found a tray of lighters.

Deciding to wipe the cobwebs off of it he lit it with a smile while Dani whined.

"Max found a lighter." Madi decided to speak up as the brunette boy made his way over to Allison, shining the light in order to find the light switch.

And when they did the whole room looked different. There was plenty of stuff that gave off witch vibes. The loft above their heads, the brooms, candles and even a giant cauldron that was in the middle of the room. While those were things that Madi was sure to have been original she also found more modern things that reminded her of the fact that it used to be a museum as well. As the group looked around Allison walked over to a glass container that had something in it.

"This is the spell book of Winifred Sanderson. It was given to her by the devil himself. The book is bound in human skin and contains the recipes for her most powerful and evil spells." Allison read off the little summary that was inside of the glass while the group walked over next to her.

"I get the picture." Dani said, a little unamused, the older girl that her brother liked so much was only saying things to try and freak her out.

"Nice one Allison." Madi said sarcastically while the blonde only smiled.

"What's that?" Max asked, looking a candle with different patterns on it.

"Oh. It's the black flame candle." Allison whispered, making Max walk over to the candle to read about it only for madi to soon follow, a little curious herself.

"Hmm. Black flame candle." Max said, moving over so Madi could stand next to him.

"Made from the fat of a hangman. Legend says that on a full moon it will raise the spirits of the dead when lit by a virgin on Halloween night." Madi read off, not too happy with what she read she looked at Max.

"So let's light the sucker and meet the old broads." Max said, holding eye contact with the shorter brunette girl before looking over at Dani who was rapidly shaking her head no.

"Will you do the honors?" Max said, holding the lighter out for the girl who was in front of him only for her to shake her head.

"Max don't be stupid." Madi said, looking him directly in the eyes.

"Well-" Max went to say before a black cat jumped on his shoulder, making the older boy yell in pain making the group jump back as he fell on the floor, making the cat jump off.

"Stupid cat!" Max yelled out as Madi reached her hand out to pull the boy back up.

"Okay, Max, you've had your fun. It's time to go. Come on, Allison." Dani said, grabbing Allison's hand making their way to the door as Max just stood up going back over to the candle.

"Max, let's just go." Madi said, grabbing the older boys hand only for him to not move and end up pulling her back.

"Oh, come on. It's just a bunch of hocus pocus." Max said facing the three girls he was with.

"Max, I'm not kidding this time.It's time to go!" Dani said before Max just shook his head.

"Max please don't." Madi said only for the older boy to do exactly what he said he would.

Everything seemed normal for a split second up until the regular orange flame turned black causing everyone's eyes to widen.


In that moment all of the fake candles bursted making the room go pitch black only for them to be replaced with actual candles instead.A huge gust of wind blew through the group and Max didn't let go of Madis hand as the two walked over to the glass container that had the spell book inside. Soon after the floorboards started rattling up and down, green smog came out making Madi lose her balance and fall into Max who still didn't let go of his grip on her. But when it all died down Madi stepped away from the boy, fixing her hair that was in her face.

"What happened?" Max asked the group, causing Madi to roll her eyes.

"A virgin... lit the candle." Dani said, giving a rather rude look towards her brother as she put her hat back on.

But their small amount of peace was disrupted as the same candles as before had been lit, with real fire along with the logs under the cauldrons and they already knew what was about to start.

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