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     School was finally over and that meant Madi had her mind set on one thing and one thing only, her Halloween night

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     School was finally over and that meant Madi had her mind set on one thing and one thing only, her Halloween night. It just so happened that Madi had lived right next to Max Dennison's love, Allison for as long as she's lived in Salem and knew the girl pretty well. Every year on Halloween night Allison's parents would throw a Halloween party with loads of their friends that would go on until the next morning. And there was no doubt in Madi's mind that at the party tonight her and Allison were going to get stuck with candy duty. But that didn't matter so much to her as the excitement of going home and getting dressed up did.

    In that current moment Madi had managed to catch up with Allison who was only a couple strides in front of her in order to talk about the party that night. As the two talked they laughed and giggled, remembering how last years party ended up with some not so nice things done to a few passed out adults in Allison's house.

"What time do you want me over?" Madi asked the taller blonde.

"Not until around five-ish." Allison said before the sound of a bike got rather close to the two of them.

Turning around Madi was sure it was Max. Rolling her eyes she patted Allison on the shoulder before pointing back towards Max.

"Loverboy is back." Madi said, slightly annoyed at Max's persistence on Allison.

"Allison." Max said, completely ignoring Madi making her roll her eyes.


"Hi. Look, um, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you in class." the brunette apologized.

"You didn't." Allison responded dryly.

"My name is Max Dennison." he introduced with his hand out, stopping his bike.

"Yeah, I know. You just moved here, huh?" Allison asked, shaking his hand making Madi scoff.

"How are you liking it?" Madi decided to speak up.

"It's a change that's for sure." Max giggled, making Madi nod.

"You don't like it here?" Allison teased making the boy smile shyly.

"Oh, the leaves are great, but-" Max started.

"I mean what's not to like?" Madi said with a small smile towards the boy.

"I-I don't know. just all this Halloween stuff." he finally spilled.

"You don't believe in it?" Allison asked with a teasing smile.

"What, do you mean, like, the Sanderson Sisters? No way." Max said in a not so convincing tone.

"Not even on Halloween?" Allison pushed.

"Especially not on Halloween." Max said pushing back on her game she was playing.

Eyeing the two, Madi decided to walk ahead. She wasn't a fan of watching people flirt, especially a guy she thought was cute and her friend. So instead she decided to watch the leaves fall and walk home. It wasn't far at all and she was fond of the walks she usually has in this season once it starts getting colder. She turned around to hear footsteps behind her only for it to be Allison herself, trying to catch up to the shorter brunette. With a smile Madison stopped and waited for the blonde girl to catch up before they went back to walking with one another, talking about how excited they were for that night.

   Speaking of Max he was having a rough time

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   Speaking of Max he was having a rough time. He was riding through a cemetery on his way home and bumped into two random guys who ended up taking his brand new pair of cross trainers. His Halloween just wasn't all it seemed to be worked up to with the Salem folk. Nothing like the legends and nothing like what it had been in the past. Max wasn't known for being a really social guy but at least he could be with his old friends. The first week of school was kicking his ass and hard. Allison had practically rejected him which was one of the more upsetting things that had happened. When he had got home he yelled about how much he hated school and Salem and it all very well could've been like that for him, not that his parents would understand much.

   But currently he was laying on his bed cuddling a pillow mumbling words of love about Allison to himself before all he heard was;


"Dani!" Max yelled at his younger sister who was a giggling mess while laying on his bed.

"I scared you, I scared you! Ha ha ha-ha ha! I'm Allison. Allison. Kiss me. I'm Allison!" Dani teased Max, too energetic for her to care about how upset he was at her.

"Mom and Dad told you to stay out of my room!" Max yelled getting up from his bed.

"Don't be such a crab!" Dani said before bouncing of Max's bed

"Guess what. You're gonna take me trick-or-treating." Dani said energetically

"Not this year, Dani." Max said, wanting to hibernate the night away.

"Mom said you have to." Dani retaliated.

"Well, she can take you." Max said going to walk away before Dani pulled on his shirt.

"She and Dad are going to a party at Town Hall."

"Well, you're eight! Go by yourself." Max raised his voice, snatching his arm back before going to walk over to his drum set.

While Max was starting a beat on the kit Dani walked over in front of  him to try again.

"No way! This is my first time! I'll get lost! Besides, it's a full moon outside! The weirdos are out!" Dani argued back, getting no reaction she walked closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck in order for him to stop playing his drums.

"Come on, Max. Couldn't you forget about being a cool teenager just for one night? Please? Come on. We used to have so much fun together trick-or-treating. Remember? It'll be like old times." Dani practically begged before Max shrugged her arms off of him, getting out of her hug.

"Yeah, well, the old days are dead." Max commented before going back to playing the same beat he was before.

"It doesn't matter what you say. You're taking me!" the younger girl bossed making Max's drum beat end before it could really even begin.

"Wanna bet?" Max said before he stomped the way up the stairs in his room before sitting on the top one, farthest away from his younger sister.

But Dani had her plan set in mind.

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