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As the group looked around all they saw was puddles, moss and spider webs, nothing too far from normal at this point in their night

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As the group looked around all they saw was puddles, moss and spider webs, nothing too far from normal at this point in their night. As Madi looked around she realized her coat was gone, probably left on the steps she was sitting at when Thackery was talking to the group. And good lord was Madi regretting it because as much as the group had been running it had indeed gotten colder in the night.

"What is this place, Binx?" Max asked, looking around as Dani walked over to Madi holding onto her arm due to it being dark.

"It's the old Salem crypt. Here, take the book. It connects to the sewer and up to the street." Binx said in return making Allison bend over and pick up the book that Madi forgot she had thrown down before her.

"How cute." Madi said sarcastically as Max tried to light up the place with his cheap lighter he got from earlier in the night.

As the group looked around with Max's light they realized a skeleton was hanging from a spot in the ceiling.

"Uh, don't look up, Dani." Max said, noticing what it was.

"Don't worry. I won't." the younger Dennison sibling said sarcastically, having already looked up.

"Relax. I've hunted mice down here for years." Binx had said ironically sitting next to a skull.

"Mice? Oh, God." Dani winced.

As the group walked forward they followed their beloved feline friend. Every now and again Madi could hear a noise and jump before going over towards Max or would get a cold shiver. But nonetheless the group kept walking, making sure to not talk too much to make sure they could listen out for the dead man going after them. Eventually the group got towards the ladder they were looking for. Deciding to be safe the group let Binx and Max go first out. Everything seemed fine until it wasn't, Max yelled out and eventually hopped down from the ladder causing Dani to panic, wanting to be first out to see if Binx was safe.

By the looks of it he wasn't. Once the four had made it out they looked at the cat in front of them. Dani winced before running over to Madi who had her hand over her mouth in the shock of the moment.

"It's all my fault."

"Max, it's not your fault."

"Look! Max!" Dani yelled, causing the group to avert their eyes towards the cat they were worried about.

Almost as if it were a dream the cat was going back to its regular state almost as if it had never gotten hurt.

"I hate it when that happens. I told you, I can't die. Dani, you all right?" Binx said unfazed, looking at the girl who still had a tear running down her face.

"Yeah!" Danni responded with a smile as the whole group lit up knowing their favorite person was back.

"Okay, then, let's go!"

And off the group went off to find at least some sort of help in their favor, any type of help at all. They were desperate. Now granted Madi thought going to people was probably more or less likely to be a mistake because their story sounded like something out of a cartoon or some sort of Halloween themed comic book but none the less the group still ran around.

If it were up to Madi she would've been home by this point. Of course it wasn't late but the girl loved and valued her alone time a lot. Eventually at some point Max pointed out a police officer making the group head in the direction.

"Officer! Officer! Officer, we need your help." Dani yelled out.

"What's the problem?" the man asked, causing all three girls to turn and look at Max, knowing he could explain it better than anyone else.

"Well, um- Well, you see, for- I just, I just moved here." Max stuttered not quite knowing what to say.

"W-Well, you see, i-it's like this. I- I, um-"

"We broke into the old Sanderson house and brought the witches back from the dead." Madi explained deciding to stop Max's pain of having to himself.

"See, I even have the book." Max said, holding out the book for the officer to see.

"You lit the black flame candle?" the older man responded, causing Madi to nod before he got off of his bike, walking around in front of the group.

"And he's a virgin." Dani said out of nowhere causing Madi to have to stifle her laughter as the cop looked in between Max and the two older girls.

Soon enough he stepped closer to Max while Madi tried to keep her giggling to herself.

"Are you a virgin?" the cop asked Max lowley.

"Yeah." he responded, not really wanting to talk about it.

"Really." the officer said out of surprise.

"Look, I'll get it tattooed on my forehead, okay?" Max said a little irritated on what the older man was focusing on rather than the real issue.

"Officer, this is not a prank." Allison spoke up.

"Really!" Dani whined.

"Hey! I put my life on the line to protect this community, and you punks pull this?" the older man said out of nowhere causing the girls to jump and Max furrowed his eyebrows.

"Get outta here. And take that cat with ya." the cop finally said, causing them all to leave, Binx following soon behind.

And then after that it was back to the drawing board.

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