The Doodlesphere was tranquil. Large paint buckets floated above and kept their own liquid, awaiting for a visit for whenever. The immense area laid in silence besides the sound of plastic against plastic.With a smile on their face, Ink exhaled a sigh of relief. Finally, his lineart was done. There were a ton of mistakes in the lines, causing imperfections. However, the agonizing pain of erasing and drawing them all over again was over. Though there was only one part left to do, and it was the best and worst.
Coloring. Dear Toby, coloring. Although adding color to your artwork was calming, it was also a struggle. Due to the color wheel in the program, there were many hues of primary, secondary, tertiary colors and more.
"S-Squid, pretty s-sure y-you've been s-staring at that f-for five m-minutes." Error spoke from behind, his eye lights bore onto the back of the protector's skull.
"I don't know what shade of red I should use!" Ink whined. He placed his hands onto his face, phalanges pressing down rather harshly.
"..H-How about t-this one?" The destroyer crouched down next to the shorter to point at a certain corner of the color wheel.
They frowned, crossing their arms as they stared deep into the black boned skeleton's eye lights. "That's scarlet, Error. That's too bright."
"How w-was I s-supposed to k-know?" Error glared at the other, sitting back down in annoyance. Sometimes Ink's feedback was one step closer to him punching them in the face. They had the nerve to insult one of his primary colors.
"Do you not know your colors?" The artist asked, curiosity in his tone. Not getting a response, he tilted his head and guffawed.
The taller scoffed and hid into his scarf, blushing cobalt in embarrassment. "N-No? I didn't n-need to. This is d-dumb." A single thought came to his skull, why did he agree to hang out?
All the protector did was do something artsy, claiming that it was going to be a masterpiece, just like every other day. This time, Ink was drawing Underfell Sans, or Abomination #13.
For a moment, the skeleton thought that Ink didn't know what a hang out is, based on the activities he does. Whenever they hung out, all he did was draw and ramble off about a lot of topics, including his friends.
But then as time went as they got closer, Error later noticed it was just the artist's way of social interaction and ability. Nonetheless, there wasn't any normal way to hang out and have a conversation, it was based on the person. Either way, it was strange but nice.
"Hey, Error? How about this color?" Error looked up to see the other skeleton holding up his drawing tablet. On the screen showed a lineart of Fell with a rich vivid red onto his sweater, gloves, shoes, and eye light. It was actually a nice color, surprisingly.
"W-woah. What c-color is t-that?" Least to say, the destroyer may have found his favorite color. His eye lights lit up at the red, It was kind of pretty.
"It's crimson! Do you like it?" Ink grinned brightly at his friend, scooching closer and pointing his pen towards the wheel. "Here! Let me show you more! I bet you'll love this shade!"
Error might like all the shades of red by the end of the day. He can enjoy this while it lasts, before Ink pukes up from excitement and moments later forget what he was doing.
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I like this one :D However I like tomorrow's prompt. It might be angst lol

Inktobertale 2022 (Writing edition)
FanfictionYEAHHHHH INKTOBERTALE LET'S GO RAHHH Doing every prompt that I can :)) Comyet my beloved, thx for the new prompt list <3