Least to say, it was unexpected.The trio were on a mission, checking out the newest AU to see if it was a pacifist or genocide timeline, or just plain out a joke like some other ones. But either way, this one didn't seem like a simple harmless joke, every step in there was dangerous if you were unaware.
The protector crouched down until he was able to touch the ground with his hand, holding his paintbrush with the other. Ignoring the whispers from behind, they carefully took a step forward and swing their paintbrush at the nearest target.
A yelp was heard before fading away. The skeleton looked up and found no trace of another enemy. From the red blood left on the ground, it was clearly either Horror or Killer he had smacked away.
"Ink!" Swap grabbed one of the artist's shoulders roughly, pulling him back down into the corner of a building they hid. "We aren't supposed to hit them, we're watching the behaviour of this AU."
"I think we wouldn't be able to, Swap." Dream sighed, taking both of the guard's hands into his. "With the Bad Sanses here, we won't see the true existence of this place."
Swap frowned, nodding and staring down at his boots.
"Woah, that's kind of gay."
"I'm just saying." The protector snorted, blinking once a rumble in the ground below the three shook his bare feet. Considering by the others' expressions, they felt it too and had worried looks.
"..was that an explosion?" The guardian hesitantly inquired. He summoned his staff and glanced at the two back and forth towards the sound.
"I don't know, check it." Ink shrugged, minding his own business by reading his scarf and skimming through what seemed to be useless information.
Dream looked at him in disappointment, though it was short lived when a shout erupted from afar.
"This AU has bombs!" they cried.
"Is that Killer?" Swap asked, concern in his tone as he went to stand by Dream. The mentioned skeleton ran swiftly across them with beeping coming behind.
"Holy shit!" Ink laughed gleefully, jumping up and down as he tried to run to find more of the explosion mines. But a gloved hand holding his scarf held him back to see something that was exciting.
"Ink, you are not jumping into explosions!"
"But it sounds so cool! Oh! Like a firework! Can we use mines as fireworks this year?!"
"No! And get back here now!"
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:) Idk what to write here-

Inktobertale 2022 (Writing edition)
FanfictionYEAHHHHH INKTOBERTALE LET'S GO RAHHH Doing every prompt that I can :)) Comyet my beloved, thx for the new prompt list <3