Ink wouldn't say he was a terrible fighter at combat. He was decent with his paintbrush, Broomie, however sometimes his brush wasn't with him due to snapping and throwing. Creators know where it goes.In the Star Sanses base, he and Dream were practising his hand to hand combat, as he barely ever needs too. Most of the time he'll use ink attacks and Broomie, physical combat was out. Maybe it was that he doesn't use his non-existent muscles but instead focuses on flexibility. Why not try doing backflips and the splits?
Nonetheless, the excuses Ink gave to his taller friend were to no avail. Of course that left a tiny bitter sting, he instantly wanted to give up practising on this type of fighting style.
"Come on, Ink, it's not that hard!" Dream had said. He smiled without a care in the world, unsummoning his dual blades and clasping his hands together.
The guardian didn't look like he had gotten any injury, neither a bruise or a crack in his bones. Interesting enough was that he wasn't tired from the fighting. Was it because they weren't used to this?
"This is frustrating me!" They lamented, frowning deeply and laid on the ground as an explanation. They had been at this for about an hour and a half, and the guardian didn't even look fazed at the passing of time. The protector internally groaned, glaring at the other's gentle golden eye lights.
"Ink, you have to hit me." Dream deadpanned, placing his gloved hands on his hips. That riled up the artist, making him get up and sprint at the skeleton.
"Oh I'll kick your ass instead!" He shouted, chasing after the now running other. Dream only laughed, swiftly dodging the sharpened ink bone attacks pointed at him. He guessed he was teasing Ink to much, but even so it was funny to see them out of everyone in the multiverse get upset so easily at this.
Dream yelped when Ink teleported right in front of him, holding not so gently onto his paintbrush and his eye lights white and hollow. The protector swung the brush at him, forcing the guardian move back by a few steps.
"I- Stop that!" He yelled, before playing cat and mouse again with Ink. Sometimes the skeleton got too aggressive without even knowing it, or he did know.
"Let's do this with weapons instead!" Ink replied with a grin that made him look like an absolute maniac, which he most likely is.
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Idk school work makes me write less :;) At least I get practice from this lol

Inktobertale 2022 (Writing edition)
FanfictionYEAHHHHH INKTOBERTALE LET'S GO RAHHH Doing every prompt that I can :)) Comyet my beloved, thx for the new prompt list <3