It was white and quiet, something that Ink wouldn't rather look at. However for his current situation, it wasn't going to be so easy. Turns out, his friend Swap decided to hang in the anti-void, with him alongside the slightly taller one.Ink was not against it, it was just the place where Error resided in. I mean, who can tolerate such a wide and blank void. Not him, that is. For no reason whatsoever, it was scary, and the absent of color unnerved him.
But he couldn't let Swap down. So then there they are, in the destroyer's home without the destroyer.
"Ink, it's perfectly fine! Error won't mind." Swap said. He jumped into the black boned skeleton's beanbag and relaxed instantly to the texture, soft and comfy as a bed.
The artist laughed at the other's antics. He saunter to his friend and sat next to him on the beanbag. Surprisingly it was super comfortable. The skeleton sunk into the furniture, a pleased smile adored his face.
"Y'know, Error used to tell me about these voices inside his head when I first got here.." Swap started. But then Ink zoned out on whatever he was saying next. The protector blinked, glancing at the souls and strings from above and then the dolls.
He was bored, least to say. He expected something exciting, though wasn't he listening to someone? He didn't remember what. Was Swap keeping the void open and loud? Keeping the silence at bay while going from topic to topic?
A word rang through his skull. 'Void' he thought. Ink turned to look at the anti-void's hollow space.
Why was it so eerie? The endless stretch to the other side was unknown and the white looked horrible. It wasn't colorful, it was colorless. He hates it, how terrified he can get from looking at it. He froze like a prey in plain sight. How haunting even it was just a blank space.
"Ink. Hey, look at me." Swap softly spoke, his phalanges coming close contact with their cheekbones, pulling their face towards his to advert their gaze into the distance.
"Sorry, what were you saying?" The protector asked. His eye lights turning into a question mark and a light grey triangle. He watched, confused as Swap tsked at him.
"Don't apologize, I should've known you get distracted easily." The skeleton in blue frowned, however it wasn't targeted to his shorter friend. "Was the void interesting?" He inquired, tilting his skull to the side, though not to stare at the blank area but Ink.
"No.. it just makes me scared." Ink mumbled, averting his eye lights away from Swap's to glare at Error's beanbag, but even so there was no hard feelings. He didn't want to see the other's disappointed expression, or get called an idiot for having such a ridiculous fear.
"How does it make you scared?" Swap asked, slow with his words and caressing of Ink's hands in reassurance.
The skeleton took a deep breath. He hadn't told his friend of his fear before, but he had told Dream when they both gotten closer years ago. He was a bit nervous and doubtful to spill out the truth.
Keeping eye contact with Swap, he spoke the truth, and didn't look away to the void that spoke distant trauma and an everlasting scar in his chest.
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Love doing these instead of my writing school work :D Since I can get more creative lol

Inktobertale 2022 (Writing edition)
FanfictionYEAHHHHH INKTOBERTALE LET'S GO RAHHH Doing every prompt that I can :)) Comyet my beloved, thx for the new prompt list <3