"So you actually know how to sew?" Swap doubted a skeleton like Ink would take the time to sew for a hobby, especially since they were sorta hyperactive just like him.The two of them were walking down in a random AU in Snowdin, staying in the sidelines and hiding from every inhabitant. Now they were sauntering inside the spruce forest, chatting away as if nothing was gonna pop up—which in that case, there wasn't anybody around expect minor monsters.
"Yeah! I do it from time to time." Ink smiled, skipping in front of the other carelessly. He twirled when they went left or right, and recklessly jumped down from cliffs that were small or huge.
"Huh, that's a bit strange. Error crochets, and you sew." The royal guard mumbled to himself, however it only brought attention from Ink. The protector stopped walking and turned around to face the slightly taller one—his eye lights sparkled into yellow stars.
"That's so cool! Does Error do it everytime?! Does he know how to sew?! Could I be able to show him?! I mean, I'd say I'm pretty good at sewing myself! Like I was a tailor for one of my papa's circus event and-" A gloved hand was placed on his shoulder, shutting Ink's sentences down and making him stop.
"Ink, friend, you're rambling off again." Swap reminded with a laugh. The shorter blushed in embarrassment, laughing along and glancing to the ground filled with snow.
"Sorry, it's just that I didn't expect Error to crochet, well, judging by me." He chuckled, his eye lights following intensely as a single snowflake fell down slowly.
"It's fine, for me I'm quite surprised you two like something that takes a lot of time. Saying that I knit." The guard grinned, albeit shuffling in his place. His friend gasped and vibrated enthusiastically.
The protector suddenly retched out a puddle of ink—pun not intended—and leaned forward to avoid getting a stain on his beige scarf. He held up a hand for Swap to wait a moment but then jumped to be right in front of him anyway.
"You do?!" They asked, his tone filled with exhilaration.
"Yeah! I made knitted sweaters before!" The skeleton in blue replied. He mentioned the sweaters briefly and continued on their walk together.
"Well excuse me, pal! You gotta teach me!" Ink whined, atleast he knew what Swap does in his free time now. Maybe they can knit, sew, and crochet altogether, with Error perhaps.
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Everyday I notice how I'm being pulled into this fandom even more by writing lol

Inktobertale 2022 (Writing edition)
FanfictionYEAHHHHH INKTOBERTALE LET'S GO RAHHH Doing every prompt that I can :)) Comyet my beloved, thx for the new prompt list <3