It was an accident, of course.Ink was doodling on the side of the couch the skeleton brothers have in their house. Delicately but doing quick strokes of lead from a pencil encouraged him to make a beautiful tiger with sharp stripes.
Though he could not continue his artwork as a small hand from a human child tugged his scarf. He turned his skull to look at them with a smile that was a bit crooked due to his confusion.
"Something up, Frisk?" He asked, grin never faltering as the human pointed to their hair. Their roots were lightened up that looked as if it were light brown, even though the child's hair was dark brown instead. To Ink's correction, Frisk was gesturing to their roots dimming in color, but it didn't make sense how.
"The kid wanted me to bleach their hair, saying that they wanted to try a new look, but they decided light brown isn't a color they liked." Sans said from his bedroom door, holding a container that had the words 'BLEACH' in all caps. To the artist, it seemed like a knock off brand or scam to him.
"Well, I can help with that!" Ink announced. He picked out a tiny paintbrush from his stash belt, grinning happily as he scooted close to Frisk with newfound excitement. "I've never done something like this before! It's surely exciting! I only ever painted clothes onto someone!"
"Be careful with the kid." Sans reminded, keeping a close eye socket on one of his alternates.
"Gotcha, Classic!" Ink winked, not really taking the situation seriously. He stuck out his tongue in concentration, pressing his brush gently on top of Frisk's head. He blinked until his eye lights turned into question marks. "Oh, whoops, wrong color of brown."
"Don't mess up, Ink."
"Trust me, I won't! Frisk won't have to worry!"
However, the human did have to worry, as their hair had to be a reddish brown for the rest of the week, awaiting for the protector of AUs to come back for a visit.
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Reminder for me to never do a prompt thing for a single month like this again in the future :D lol I am losing it-

Inktobertale 2022 (Writing edition)
FanfictionYEAHHHHH INKTOBERTALE LET'S GO RAHHH Doing every prompt that I can :)) Comyet my beloved, thx for the new prompt list <3