Ink's paints sometimes acted like a drug.When the protector had felt the urge to drink one of his positive paints, he always got addicted to feeling the same emotion for days on end. The emotion he had always liked to drink on was the yellow one.
Yellow was his happiness. He liked feeling happy, and it helped Dream as well, not that it really mattered if it did. But either way, he was addicted to being happy, most of the time during his addiction, he would be so positive it honestly made the guardian stronger on these days.
Though, feeling so much emotion at once made him throw up ink countless times, however, he did not pay attention to it. The artist may had been warned about it before, too bad he forgot if he did.
Sometimes when drinking the yellow paint, he would jump around like a child in the Star Sanses base, other times he'll annoy the life out of his enemies and friends. Swap considered locking Ink up in his room far too many times.
Dream didn't take much thought about the protector's paint situation, chatting with him like normal as every other day. The guardian seemed to not mind his strong positivity.
Yellow was finally limited when Ink had tried to experiment with AUs. Not a surprising problem, a couple of AUs were depressing afterall.
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Why did I write this LOL

Inktobertale 2022 (Writing edition)
FanfictionYEAHHHHH INKTOBERTALE LET'S GO RAHHH Doing every prompt that I can :)) Comyet my beloved, thx for the new prompt list <3