Why was he so apathetic? Watching as others fall down to their knees in despair and staring as they slowly dust. He couldn't help but think of how funny it was for them to die so quickly. The way they submit to their death and left themselves go to waste.It wasn't his fault he was so careless. Truthfully, he didn't have any sympathy for the monsters dying before him, it wasn't the vials that made him think so. So what if a few monsters died? All that he needed with for the AU to keep on going, no matter the number of people dying.
Who would miss them? They were just characters in a storyline, a plot that was made by their creator, and if they were to die then so be it. He was to protect the AUs, not the people.
"Ink." His name fell out of his companion's mouth. The protector gave a glance towards the positivity guardian, empty and hollow as an owl's eye.
"Dream, we're going." Ink muttered. He didn't spare another glance at the other when a sniffle or sob came out of him. He didn't care when the skeleton in yellow cried his soul out to the innocent monsters dying right in front of him.
"I-ink, you.." A hiccup, then continuous sobs.
"What is the problem, Dreamboat?" He asked in a monotone voice, white eye lights bore into his golden ones. He stared blankly at Dream, ignoring the way his expression of distress brought unmixed feelings inside of him.
Because Dream was just a character, it didn't matter what he was feeling, he was a character in a story and nothing more. The guardian exhaled shakily, his aura dimming slightly.
"You promised." He said, his voice wavering as he spoke again, "You promised that you'll protect the AUs!" He shouted, a cry of distrust.
"I did, but there's one thing you got wrong, pal." The protector sighed, he himself didn't know if it was disappointment. He turned his skull around to look at Dream's conflicted face. "I promised to protect the AUs, not its people."
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Didn't know what to write this time :,) Hopefully I will do something fluffy lol

Inktobertale 2022 (Writing edition)
FanfictionYEAHHHHH INKTOBERTALE LET'S GO RAHHH Doing every prompt that I can :)) Comyet my beloved, thx for the new prompt list <3