It all happened with a bang, so sudden that his life flashed before his eye lights. He heard his name being calling frantically by a yellow blur faintly, however, he collided with the ground with a crack.He couldn't remember where he had been doing before, neither of why he had fell and felt pins and needles all over his body that trapped him in pain. He didn't know. He couldn't know.
But he didn't have to feel pain for no longer, as he slowly fell unconscious. Muffled voices circled his skull, causing him to mute them as the moment passed.
Like the flash, a voice soft and tone mellow echoed through his head. It called his name in softened whispers. He felt warmth touch his skull, caressing with a gentle thumb.
He opened his sockets due to the feeling, looking directly at the outline of a skeleton in front of him with squinted eye sockets. The guardian smiled at him, relaxing his tense shoulders that he wasn't aware of.
"Hey Ink." Dream sighed, eye lights dimming to show he'd been tired and most likely awake during the protector's time passed out. "How are you feeling?" He inquired.
"Hurt. Mostly in the head." Ink mumbled, leaning into the warmth of the sun.
"Dear Nim." The skeleton in yellow exhaled in relief. "Atleast you only just fell from a random rock." He chuckled, letting his hand fly back to his side.
The artist blinked at him in disbelief. "I'm sorry, what?"
"Don't worry about it! Just rest for now."
"I overreacted over a simple fall?!"
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Motivation: leaving slowly but staying determined.

Inktobertale 2022 (Writing edition)
FanfictionYEAHHHHH INKTOBERTALE LET'S GO RAHHH Doing every prompt that I can :)) Comyet my beloved, thx for the new prompt list <3