Dodging an incoming beam from a gaster blaster, Ink huffed as soon as his feet landed back to the snowy ground.The fight had been going on for almost two hours, in a half destroyed AU which was crumbling by the minute. Royal blue strings wrapped around his torso and arms and pulled him up to the air swiftly. The protector grunted when he was smashed against a couple of spruce trees.
A liquid identical to ink dripped from his mouth and skull, though he paid no attention to this as he growled to the destroyer.
The destroyer of worlds, a complete vile skeleton, his fated enemy, Error. The glitched one laughed at the squid's glare, amused with the look and pulling them harshly to the snow.
"lOoK aT yOu, A sQuId CaUgHt iN a NeT!" he chuckled, swinging from his own strings. He was enjoying this, and it was a lot too if Error was on a swing.
"Error, I was fixing this AU."
"i DoN't CaRe, L + RaTiO."
"I shouldn't have shown you that bird app creators use." Ink deadpanned, already laying limp and giving up.
As long as they were sorta friendly rivals, this would last for a life time.
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Bird app LOL

Inktobertale 2022 (Writing edition)
FanfictionYEAHHHHH INKTOBERTALE LET'S GO RAHHH Doing every prompt that I can :)) Comyet my beloved, thx for the new prompt list <3