-Night City-

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(Some canon changes and liberties taken alright???? Don't expect this to pick up from the canon ending!!!)

Night City.

The city that eats the weak and rewards the rich.

There is no 'righteous' life in this city.

You either wallow in pain of life, drown yourself in brain dances, strangle your mind on fear or kill yourself in a dead end job that goes nowhere.


You are a Corpo and get all Night City has to offer: A normal life, healthcare, an education.

Welp, not many of us can be Corpo fuckers can we? Some of us choose a third choice, a choice we made up for ourselves.

To blaze in a bright flame and burn out the way we want, to be remembered as legends in the minds of fellow people... As whom people know as Edgerunners.

But some of us never got to chose even that, someone of us were forced down that path from the moment we were born.


<I will gut you Catlan!> I called out in my mind. Tho unlike normal thoughts, I heard my own voice looped back too me with a moment of delay and as if I wear hearing it through those old world things called 'phones'.

<Now, now, I warned you this could be dangerous.> The man I was calling Catlan answered through the call.

<You also told me you had a fucking jammer up you Gonk!> I answered back, a groan turning in an anger scream as I finished ripping out the remaining of the cable out of my body after he logged me out finally minutes earlier. <Fuck you if I ever trust a fixer like you and your worthless piece of shit crew you find!!>

Even with cybernetics, the weight of the water in my clothes was felt enough to make me have a worse mood then I already had.

<Oh come on Z, they are not that bad.>

<Not.... NOT THAT DANGEROUS?!!? You are more blind then a fucking corpo bastard!! Do you call people trying to cut my chromes out while I am netrunning for them without the ability to log off by myself not dangerous?!!!> I looked at my left elbow where elbow joint's black cover had been popped up with my still human flesh next to it slashed open so they could pry the piece off so blood had sprayed on my clothes and sides.

<I give you that....>

<Fuck you!!!> I hung up, turning my attention back to the road I was hightailing it down along. "Oh you bastard of a fixer!" I yelled, hearing loud motors behind me with equally loud laughs.

I looked over my shoulder before sighing, fine! You wanna fight?! I will fucking fight!!

I spun around, reaching down in my side pouch, pulling out a metal cylinder with a button on it.

"Come at me fuckers!!!" I called as I pressed the button and tossed it in the air a bit, the moment I let go, a metallic rod sprouted from it in a six feet long staff with a blade at the end before I grabbed it again, a spear in other words.

I spun it and held it tight.

"Lets dance!"

When I first had it, it still feels like yesterday.... The pain.... Anyway! When I first had the Sandy I was the worst at using it but now? Oh oh oh now....

In a blink only after images were left where I stood, crossing the long road, right next to the first two bikers, slashing my blade through their throats before time caught up, only two seconds, like always.

I reactivated it, running around the next three, doing the same things before the time took over again.

I sighed, pressing the button on the weapon again and with a loud 'swiiiing' the metal folded and pulled back into its container as the crashing of bikes was heard.

I grinned.

"You won't mind if I borrow this would you choom?" I asked the headless body before grabbing the bike, a bit scratched on the left side but keys still in the ignition.

I kicked the stand out so it was standing before going to another man.

"I'll borrow this too." I slammed my foot down on his upper arm and twisted the chrome forearm off, doing the same with the other. "Thanks, will replace the piece you took.... You really lost quite a lot, you gave out a whole lot of money to get a fixer to hire me and then you died.... Ah well, NC will swallow you whole, well I'll get going, I don't wanna deal with the cops." 

I tucked the arms under mine and mounted the bike, speeding off.

"Wooohooo!!" I laughed, this baby is fast!! I think I'll keep it!

I sped down the roads, around cars, under the passes and over bridges

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I sped down the roads, around cars, under the passes and over bridges.

Soon enough I was nearing a Mega-structure simple called Dale by the inhabitants, D-4/3 in reality but who fucking gives a damn?

>Transfer of 50'000 Eurodollars finalized.<

"As if that can save you from being killed Catlan." I said, he can't pay me off, he screwed me over by being lousy in his research on this crew and got me in trouble.

I yanked the bike in a wheelie as the road turned left but I kept going ahead, the back wheel struck the sidewall of the road, sending it flying up in the air.

More laughs exploded from me as I flew through the air, watching the town I was flying through before landing with a bounce on a long building's top that arced upwards on the end.

I pushed the motor faster, ramping off it, flying high from the speed.

Even more laughing.

This, this is freedom, this is how it should feel like.

I grabbed on tight as I landed on a road, ducking down as the bike drove under a moving fence and down into the garage tho I drove it into the wall because of the speed.

I sat there before another bout of laughs exploded out of my chest, this felt great and the bike should be fine.

I backed the bike up when I could stop myself and drove it in a narrow corner of the parking under Dale and turned it off.

I walked up the stairs to the thirteenth floor and to the fourth apartment on that floor.

I walked inside and locked the door before sighing.

I fell over on the couch, laying on my front and crossing my hands under my head as I sighed.

I looked out the huge window, looking at the neon colors of the city bellow with another sigh as I closed my eyes.

I lived here, making a good living with my gigs but still not the best but this is the life here.

Life in Night City.

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