-The Plan-

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"Hey careful." I gasped at the tool that was jabbed in my shoulder.

"Sorry." I sighed, arms crossed as she didn't really sound sorry.

"Since when did you steal a Ripperdoc's job and become one yourself?" I got smacked on the back of my head.

"Idiot." She sighed. "It is useful to know how to repair some breaks and problems yourself, the bullet didn't do a lot of damage since it went through someone else first."

"Good, good, why do you even need him?" 

"He worked with Faraday, the fixer that sold us out too Arasaka and tricked David into put on the exoskeleton, many of his coworkers survived that day and could give us info about the missing Sandevistan."

"You really want that Sandy."

"He told me if anything happened too him that it was mine, at first I thought I needed it to complete my dream, to have my loved one come too the moon with me but now it is more of something I can't leave in Arasaka's hands, part of the revenge dream." I held back the hiss from the screwdriver driving in the hole, hearing something click in place and the pain lessen a bit.

"Alright, I won't question you, we'll get that Sandy for you, I too had lovers I miss even if I moved on. These hands for example." I flexed them. "Were hers before they became mine, I moved on yes but I still wanted a part of her with me. You don't need to explain me why you want that Sandy David used, I get it." 

She sighed with a nod.

"I think I'll forever miss him, my first love, first I trusted."

"Yeah the first love always stays with you, its the one that teaches you how to love."

"Yeah." She put the tools down and I knew she was done, I flexed my arm and it had no trouble moving tho was sore from the previous wound.

I threw my jacket on, not caring it was bloody.

"Thanks Lucy, good job." I sat back on the box I've been sitting on previously.

"Can you tell me about her?" I glanced at her.

"My first love? Why?"

"I don't know... You know stuff about David, I know nothing about yours."

"You want comfort in your feelings don't you?" I ignored the lack of answers. "Ari was a solo merc, we hit is off quite fast actually partially because of that, she needed a netrunner and my fixer contacted her, we decided to form a crew made of just us two and all was good... It was nice, hanging out and having fun, her eyes mesmerizing, her voice beautiful and that laugh. It was almost like freedom was at my finger tips." I held my hand out in the air before waving it away as I dropped it." That until the TechDeck crew popped up." A bitter chuckle escaped me. "It was a massacre, no one in that place made it out except yours truly, the human cyber weapon. To spare you the details you probably saw many times, blood and gore painted the walls and ground, I only got the hands because I was holding on her forearm with my hand as she was gripping my wrist with her other. When the heavy shot went off, her chrome kept its hold on my arm and I still had the forearm in my hand."

I looked at my hands, still remembering when these were connected to someone else's body.

"I guess you are right.... You never forget the first." Lucy was sitting next to me, also looking at my hands.

"You never truly do but they help you move forwards, that's why unlike others I don't tell you to just forget and move on, others told you I bet."

"Yeah, telling me to forget, he's already dead anyway, time to move on."

"Mhm, a lot don't understand because they don't truly love from the bottom of their hearts. That's why I want to help with the Sandy, you deserve it, it would be closure for you, a fitting end to a story that needs one."

"Talking about the Sandy." She leaned her her on my shoulder, I let her grab my arm and trace the chrome pieces. "You are hunted by Militech, me by Arasaka, no matter which we touch the other will get stronger... If we want both our dreams to happen we need to have a plan."

"Right." I leaned my head against hers, watching her fingers trace away.

"I don't know what we should do to be honest, both are as dangerous as the other, Militech has prototypes as you said, prototypes of what they turned into you when you had all the weapons still installed. Arasaka has Adam Smasher, the most kitted out person without going psycho, another super soldier. They will take over the place of the other the moment we take them out."

"And even if we somehow strike them both at the same time, to put the systems down we need a netrunner and someone outside, we are not enough for that plus the danger of them all."


"We'll deal with Militech first, I think that's the best idea."


"Well I know I can destroy those systems forever, delete them from existence, worst then even the pre-DataKrash, nothing of Militech will ever be found once again, I just need to get in long enough to do it, they are a military company more then Arasaka are, more military soldiers and such so without any system all falls apart. Arasaka will not instantly be aware.... But well... Adam Smasher is known as a beast, the weapons I'd need to fight him are in Militech."

"You want to fight him?" I felt her tense up, David must have died too that man.

"You think they'd let us get in there without summoning him? I can get in Militech with my current get up but someone will be needed to hold him off, I was literally born with the need to be a possible rival for him even if I didn't know he existed before escaping, how would you explain why they paid people to make a highly resistant baby? If I load in Militech implants I might have a chance."

"No.... I can't lose another too him." She grabbed my hand tightly.

"Sorry Lucy but can you think of something else?" I asked, wishing I could look at her face but couldn't, her hair hiding her face.

"No..." She admitted. "No there is no other way..."

"We can sneak in there first tho, get the Sandy before doing anything else, I am sure we can get it somehow, if that would ease your worries. The man we kidnapped surely needs to know something about it."

She said nothing so I added nothing else, lifting my other hand and cupping hers, I only thought for a moment but pressed a kiss on the top of her head, leaning my forehead there.

We are planning to run too our deaths most likely.

A painful death probably.

But this is NC, death is part of life like blood is too, the unimaginable is mundane so I am not scared.

I am not scared to die because who knows, maybe I won't.

I hope we won't.

.Military Grade Cyber Weapon (Lucy X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now