-Test Drive-

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"Careful." I said, holding my hands out to Lucy as she grabbed them, stumbling out of the room where Ripper worked in, he gave me a thumbs up that all went good.

"Soooo? How is is?!" Becca said with a laugh as Lucy held on my arms to stand.

"Weird, you did this when you were a child?" She asked me.

She didn't even wait an hour, a single one, the moment we got away she insisted on having the Sandy installed but she looked quite moody, I did say Ripperdocs don't use anesthetics, I guess she hasn't changed her chrome in a while and was not used to it anymore.

"I didn't really have a choice but yes." I nodded.

"How do you activate it?" Her mood did a 180, a smile coming over her face.

"Lets go outside first, I tended to run in walls when I was first given mine."

"Have fun girls and don't die." Falco waved off.

I held her hand and took her outside after she dressed up correctly.

"Okay so for me it is like instinct now but at the start I was thinking about pressing a button? It helped me activated it, like thinking about wanting to start a mac--" I heard a loud bang and Lucy was gone. "--hine."

I looked to the side, seeing her sitting on the ground and a dented metal bin.

I couldn't help but laugh tho this was the first time I saw a Sandy work while it was someone else using it.

"Wow." She said, not taking offence in my laugh as I helped her up. "That was fast, I felt like I was moving in slow motion, that all was moving slow motion and yet I still ran into the bin."

"Yeah, you gotta get used to it, your reaction time will be faster because you have more time but each small movement can mean some big changes." I activated mine, running at the street lamp and ending up there, hanging upside down, the metal under my knees. "I got up here with three steps, my muscles reacting faster but with the same strength as when I move normally.... Then again, the same strength in a short time multiplies the outcome so with the three same steps now I wouldn't get here." I dropped and landed on my feet.

"Alright." She looked so excited and I would be too, if I worked for years to get one chrome piece and finally had it.

"Come on, activated it now."

I was a bit faster then Lucy but when I ran off she could follow me.

"See?" She looked so surprise she could hear me correctly but since we both moving at the same speed at the same time we could talk.

(Since David did too have a chat and understand the dude when they both sped up.)

As it ran out I stopped, holding her so she was forced to slow down too.

"I usually limit myself to two second bursts but can do more."

"Okay I got it." She nodded, I saw barely a flash before it was Lucy again and several car lengths down the street. "Come on idiot."

I chuckled and used the Sandy to follow her.

"I am here." I told her.

"I... It is amazing." She said.

"Wow wait!" I called after her as she hurried away, I know having a Sandy is cool but still dangerous.

I Sandy-ied after her but she was already further.

I easily caught up, pushing on my two seconds and grabbed her.

We stopped on a walking overpass, cars speeding passed under us.

She was laughing happily.

"Thank you!" I couldn't even react before she grabbed my face and kissed me.

My eyes went wide before I hugged her back.

She let go with another laugh.

"You look like you saw a ghost." She flicked my forehead.

I rubbed it and chuckled too.

"How can I not be surprised when a beautiful girl kisses me?" I asked with a smile and she gave me a shrug.

"Thank you for helping me get it back." She said, turning away to walk down the path.

"With pleasure Lucy." I smiled, walking after her.

She stopped so I thought she wanted to tell me something but the next moment she just.... Just WLAM!! On her face. On the road.

"Lucy!!" I called out, hurrying over, she fainted with blood dripping from her nose and mouth. "Ripper!" I yelled in anger, he gave me thumbs up, I thought she was ready! Given suppressants and all!

Running off with a Sandy for the first time is straining but without suppressants?! Or has he given them to her but not enough? Did she not take them?

I can't get her back to Ripper in this state, too far, we made some distance with the Sandys.

"It will cost soooo much." I groaned but contacted the trauma team, not the preem of course, that's too costly but I want her to get better treatment then with Ripper, sorry dude but with her? I don't trust you.

.Military Grade Cyber Weapon (Lucy X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now