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<Oh my god Zyber!> I said, rolling my eye as I looked at the holo of the map.

The bike's GPS was easily connected too so I saw the shitshow she was causing.

<You want me to stop?!!> She yelled back through the call as I worked away on creating a distraction by hacking the lamps, doors, ramps around her area since cop vehicles usually comply to laws if they are self driving.

"Man.... That looks so cool, I wish I was there." Rebecca pouted as she watched the live feed from the camera network I got in to see what Zyber was doing.

Falco just covered his face and honestly.... I feel you man.

<Turn down the third street and floor it, the ramp should be low enough for you to pass but too steep for the cop cars.>

<Got it!> 

I rolled the chair over too Rebecca without standing from it, looking from the holos too the screen she was looking at, the feed glitching as it changed too the one of the camera near the ramp, it crossed a large river, it would give her time to escape if she made it.

"There!" She poked the screen as the red bike came into view on it.

"Come on." I muttered as the feed switched again too the ramp itself and it was rising quite high.

"Next time let me go with her!" The little one angrily said again since the start of this gig but honestly, she looks like a child, no way she'd have gotten into that bar without being checked in the system in that part of the town, I was known as an edgerunner so Zyber alone was the best choice.

She stole the asked for chip.... After painting the bar blood red because a patron ticked her off... But I am not that mad, I'd have done it too if those things were said too me.

But now well... Cops were after her and she was screaming my ears off in the call as she ramp-ed off and was the rising road, before the feed changed I saw the closest cop car crash against the wall and flip.


<Don't scream.>

<Such a kill joy Lucy.>

<Just drive over here and shut up.> I hung the call up. "Chip secured." I told Falco so he could contact the fixer that got this gig.


I waited outside until she drove up.

"That was so coo--" Smack. "Ouch!"

"You could have quick hacked or simply breach protocol-ed that man instead of killing him, now we'll need to lay lower then we already have been because if they trace you too us, we'll get hell." I complained to her, rubbing my forehead.

"Oh come on, it was fun." She chuckled, I simply sighed, feeling unable to stay mad at her.

"Fine, it was cool to watch." I nodded as she smirked.

"Here you go." She threw me the chip.

"Sit down for a while."

"Eh? I only used the Sandy three times."

"Still, sit."


I don't care if she's annoyed, a Sandevistan takes a toll on a body and I am not letting someone else under my nose fall victim too it.

I lost too much too it.

"Here." I threw her a bottle of water. "Drink."

"Thanks." She caught it.

Since it was calm I leaned against the wall of the warehouse.

"Hey you have a lighter?" I looked at her as she held her cigarette towards me.

"Really? Those sorts?" I asked but held it out and flicking the fire up.

"Hey they are not that bad."

"You are joking right? They are tasteless wet paper sticks." I pocketed the lighter again.

"Now you are exaggerating! Those fake tasting artificial fucks are waaaay worst." She said, on purpose blowing a smoke cloud my way. "This is the traditional stuff."

"You are completely wrong!"

And that's how Falco found us, comparing out packs of cigarettes and trying to convince the other ours were better.

"Falco, tell this chrome brained woman those are infect." I coughed heavily, how did she convince me to try one of hers?

"It's like I am tasting the smoked idea of cherries." Ah yes, because she tried mine. "This is the worst!"

"Seems like you're becoming friends you two."

"Falco shut up." I put out the devil's stick by crushing it under my foot, grabbing mine back from her, simply putting it out and back in the packet.

"But to answer your question... I don't know, I smoke cigars." He shrugged.

"That's so lame." Zyber said. "Anyhow, how much Eddies?"

"20'000 only this time, with deductions for the renting of this place and fuel that makes....7'000 are for you that's around 3'000 for each all of us."

"I really hate that we need to pay you back!" Rebecca complained while peeking her head out.

"What can I say? I am pricey." Zyber shrugged with a smirk as she lifted her arms and crossed them behind her head. 

"She likes money more then she likes you." I said the small girl.

"That's can't be true!! I am her bestie!!"

"Lucy!!!" Zyber screamed as Rebecca tackle hugged her because of what I said.

I covered my mouth with a small chuckle.

"She's doing some good." Falco said, I looked at him, ignoring the new bickering.

"She does her job well I admit, she has experience." I agreed.

"No, I mean she is doing you some good."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You seem happier, less head deep in vengeance."

"You are dreaming Falco." I shook my head.

"No I don't think I am, good to see you are getting better."

"Cut it out." I hissed.

"Ah I'll got save our new friend before Rebecca kills her, gotta keep our new friend alive." He ignored me, jogging to pull the girl of Zyber after her made sure to repeat 'our new friend' twice.

I watched the mess with a neutral look but I was thinking.

Was I really so different now? I never understood how people couldn't tell they were acting differently when they clearly were but I guess if he says this I should understand it now. They and I... Neither of us knew we changed.

I guess it's nothing.

I grinned as Zyber kicked Rebecca away as she grabbed her leg while Falco tried to pull her away, shaking my head at the stupidity in front of me.

Friend huh? I suppose we can say that.

.Military Grade Cyber Weapon (Lucy X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now