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The Monowire sliced the last of the gonks that ran at Rebecca and I.

Silence fell over the room as I sighed, crossing my arms, looking at the bloodbath left behind, probably not going to find anything but scanning the implants to see if I did find something I'd want for myself, honestly I never find anything, I have all I need already but we never know.

I answered Falco's call with an eye roll aimed at Rebecca's high pitched scream about a 'cool gun'. I still ended up smiling as I still remember that, despite the guilty feeling of having wished she died instead of him, just how much I cried when the Ripperdoc said that indeed he could still help her even if it was costly.

<What is it Falco? Problems with the jammers?> I asked bored.

<Hello Falco!> Seems he called both of us at the same time.

<Both you get up to the top floor, now!>

<Wow, what's with the yells?> Rebecca butted back.

<Long story short, there is a new sort of drug helping with psychosis, our target was given that, probably to weaken his mind's strength as the leader of the group is netrunning him, to not lose the info Zyber linked herself in despite her lack of ability to unlink by herself.>

<WHAT?!!> I couldn't help but be shocked, how much of an idiot is this person to do such thing alone with such a dangerous situation on our hands?!

<What an idiot!> Rebecca was the first to leave and run ahead.

I was shocked for a moment more before following her.

It was carnage all the way up the stairs and too the room.

"Rebecca what the hell? Stop!" I called out, she was trying to yank on the cables but I stopped her. "It is dangerous to unlink a netrunner like that!" 

"She's covered in blood tho! Something must be wrong!" She is not wrong but the other runner would be too if it was because of the linkage with the target.

"Sandevistan." I muttered. "Must be that, David would bleed if he over did it." That was my only idea before I stood and stepped too the terminal and looked through the tabs. "Find the ice maker somewhere Rebecca, the idiot will need in." I said, I suppose she found it a time sensitive enough matter to do this.

Since I am one too I can easily do much more then anyone with a simple terminal and keyboard, like this, having a bad resolution image of what the runners were each seeing come up on screen, I can't get a clear image since I am trying to put brainwaves on a screens but it is still something.

"What's this shit?" Rebecca asked, dumping half of the bucket in her lap and sticking the other half on her head with the bucket, that's good.

The target groaned before screaming, half waking up.

<Falco, what do you know about that drug you mentioned? The psychosis stuff?>

<All I said before, it like force brings it on I guess? I can't find more info for now.>

"We should pull her out." Rebecca said despite pushing the ice machine in the room, plugging it in the wall socket and using her hands to shovel the ice onto the Zyber named girl.

"No." I said, squinting at the pixel-y screen, having seen a lot of the cybernets with Arasaka and my life as a netrunner so I could make sense of a few of these low-res pictures.

Suddenly the feed was distorted as the target roared awake, jerking ahead.

"You fuck!" Rebecca's trigger finger was itching, jerking closed as the gun went off, painting the wall red with blood and brain matter.

The target was dead.

I grabbed my head with a hand, over the back of it, remembering familiar pain.

I froze for a second, remembering how it felt like when you were linked in and the target died, that pain, it... That day was full of pain and all....

"Shit Rebecca!" I hissed, spinning back towards the keyboard and terminal, opening the tab and clicking all the log outs, uncaring if it was the leader or her as I saw the pained jerks of both bodies and was not sure which was who's.

<Falco, jammers still good?>

<Yes but not for long, make your way out if you have the information.>

"I hope you got what you wanted." I  thought to myself as she looked completely in the clouds still, eyes spaced out as I pulled the bucket off her head. "Up! We need to go now." I yanked her up by her elbow as I snapped my monowire through the head of the man in the tube, the water painting itself red with blood.

"Oh yeah!" Rebecca ran ahead as I basically had to help Zyber walk and it was not easy.... The last flight of stairs was quickly done tho.... She tripped out of my hold and tumbled down it.

Even in this situation I couldn't help it, a laugh escaped me, I tried to cover my mouth and calm down but I was still smiling when I helped her up and out of the building to Falco's van. (Fun fact: Falco is also the name of my boss' dog.)

"Awe what did I miss?" Rabacca shoved in my face, making me blink.

"What?" I asked, shoving her away so I could get into the van too, already having shoved the zoinked out girl in the backseats.

"What was so fun that it got you to smile? You haven't cracked a true smile since you came back from your moon visit."

"Shut up." I hissed, slamming the door behind me. "Drive Falco."

"Yes ma'am!" He said, ignoring the discussion and doing as told, flooring the pedal.

"You gotta tell me Lucyyyyyyyy."

"Rebecca shut up."


I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms and looking out the window.

"You no fun." She grumbled but fell silent.

I sighed, leaning my head against the window.

But this made me think, how was it that easy to get me to laugh while Zyber was basically not even really awake and it was an accident that it happened?

I shrugged to myself, oh well, I can think about that later.

I glanced back, seeing only Zyber's back tho, when feeling such things it is really.... Really... Bad... Well not just bad it's... Damn, how do I describe the feeling? It is really bad and something no one else should feel so I suppose I am a bit worried about her.

I know how much it scarred me before I could do anything again, causing me to make mistakes so yeah, I wonder how she'll react.

I looked back ahead, but I don't feel like asking about it around others.

.Military Grade Cyber Weapon (Lucy X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now