-MAXTAC 2.0-

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"That was so cool!" I said, having the headgear back to Lucy, smiling as I looked back at her.

"Glad you liked it." She grabbed at it.

I smiled but a rising dot of red light peaked through the window and it was getting bigger.

My eyes went wide as the Sandy activated.

I grabbed her and ran to the door moments before time resumed as a hail of bullets shattered the window.

"What the hell?!" Lucy couldn't help but scream as I looked at the mess caused.

"No time to explain we need to go!" I opened the door and dragged her out into the hallway and down the stairs with a Sandy burst.

"Zyber! Explain now!" She still insisted, yanking her hand away but both of us keeping up the sprint down the stairs, not using the Sandy because I was not holding her and didn't want to lose sight of her.

"Look this is like MaxTac 2.0! Instead of them being affiliated with Arasaka these are elite operatives from Militech! They are called TechDeck." I said, vaulting over the last step of stairs.

"The Sandevistan's owners." She said as I touched my neck, they were much more then that but that would be my first thought too.

"And not only!" I added with no more explanation. "We need to go now!"

"You'll explain after we get to safety!"

"Sure! Lets just run!" I kicked the front door out. "B-line it too the bike!"

I sprinted out with the Sandy but these are elite soldiers, Sandy's are hard to make but similar low grades aren't, the moment I stepped out I heard the slowed down sound of guns going off.

I knew they'd zoom their effective for on me, I am their target and they are my obstacle too freedom.

I ran away too the left while the bike was to the right but it would draw their fire away.

When the Sandy ran out I sent the second burst through the chrome, this time hurrying to the bike as fast as I could, jumping to land on it and putting the key in the ignition.

When the Sandy stopped this time I had a few seconds before they'd notice I dipped to the right, they are not used to have me care for someone as I run.

Lucy jumped on and I instantly floor it, I U-turned the bike out of the parking lot, rubbing the tire on the ground, leaving a thick black rubber trace as the bike hurried off.

<Do you have any guns on you?!> I called back but kept my eyes on the road, zooming right on the main road.

<As if! I took nothing with me other then the BD that was still clutched in my hand before all this mess.> Lucy answered.

<Shit.> I hissed as the helicopters light was centered on us as I speed between cars. <Monowire?> 

<A no go, they are too far, I can't reach.>

<Then it will be a good old chase down.> I took a deep breath, pushing the bike even more, I could here the motor was not happy about it, sorry big girl, hold out just a bit. <Lucy! Grab on! NOW!!>

She didn't ask, wrapping her arms around me the moment I kicked in a wheelie.

I activated the Sandy so I'd have more time to react, one second turning into many, the top wheel hitting the slopped back of a car and with the rotation of the back wheel, the bike kicked off in the air like it would off a ramp.

I had yanked the bike to the right as that happened, sending the bike flying off the over pass and falling on a road under it, activating the Sandy while planting my foot down, a metal spike shooting down into the concrete from it, forcing a 90° degree turn before closing the spike and keep turning, the bike going down in the tunnel under the road.

<This is only a temporary escape if this tunnel has only one exit, can you hack their systems from this place or find another way out?>

<Hacking them that's a no, I need to be closer since these are high tech implants since they are like MaxTac as you said.> There was a moment of silent as I avoided a car, drawing towards traffic. <There is three exists, two lead in town, only one leads out of it.>

<I want to one nearest to Arasaka.>

<You gotta be shitting me.>

<Trust me Lucy!> I avoided another car, the roads still filled despite it being late at night. <TechDeck is a secret elite team of headhunter basically, they get in and out without being known, they will prefer taking the chance on me escaping then Arasaka realizing their Maxtac has a competing faction.>

I got no answers, it was Arasaka that killed her crew, it was clear to even the blind, Rebecca and even Falco also were speaking grimly about the organisation and shared Lucy's new dream in taking revenge in their own ways.

 That alone, revenge, explained everything I need to know about their feelings for Arasaka and I am asking her to get me there.

<Lucy please, this is the only way, trust me!> I called out again, driving up on the foot stone path on the side of the tunnel as two cars approached at the same time and I was seeing the tunnel go left and straight into an exit.

I felt her hands grip my clothes tighten in fists, sorry Lucy but if we do this they won't even try to look for us, for me.

<The next exit left.> I sighed in slightly relief.

<Thanks Lucy.> But I got no answers.

I drove down the left exit as once again I turned on the Sandy to be sure my reflexes were enough to do this, jerking the handle left and almost making the bike fall over but it turned in time, I kept it up longer then I'd let myself until I was finally getting back in the right way traffic and on the right road towards the right exit. Still keeping the speed up tho, zigzagging between the cars until the tunnel opened up and with the speed, the slight hill up to the surface made us jump high in the air before landing.

I took a breath before slightly coughing in my hand, I did two second bursts of Sandy only because that way I could accumulate a lot more of them but pushing those two seconds rose the usage limit for the day exponentially, this was like six seconds, maybe less by one I don't know but blood showed I was nearing the limit once again.

My eyes darted between the buildings as once again, the Sandy flashed alive, giving me more time to look before I found what I wanted to.

Jerking the bike towards it as I launched towards the down slope to a building's packing lot.

<Hold on! This might hurt!> We then went flying down that slope and through the moving bar that blocked the way, it breaking under the impact force and drove into the parking garage.

I looped the bike around the cars, I let is slow down on its own before putting down my feet, coughing more, letting my head hang.

"That was close." I said after hanging the call up.

I felt Lucy get off so I lifted my head.

I watched her walk a few circles as she was clearly thinking.

"We'll stay here for the rest of the night, they will disappear by sunrise." I said.

"What the hell was this Zyber?!" She yelled, more or less pure adrenaline I think.

"This is my past." I said. "And it's why I can't have freedom..." I sighed.

The silence was heavy but I knew it would come up one of these days.

The past never remains buried for long.

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