-Calm After The Storm-

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(Look I did this)

(Look I did this)

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"Careful!" Lucy yelled at Ripper, it hurt my head but I didn't complain.

"You want my help? Stop yelling!"

"Both of you stop." I sighed.

"You look ugly." He said with a grin, jamming his tool back under the panel, trying to pop the cover up.

"I feel like it too." I groaned when he finally got it off and worked away.

"After this we are slowing down." Lucy sat at the end of the installation chair, casually moving my legs on her lap so she wasn't sitting on them.

I just nodded, she repeated it several times along the ride here.

I pressed the base of my palms in the cheek bone right under my eyes, it felt like I had been awake for days.

"FUCK!!" I yelled, dropping my hands, blood bursting out of my face.

"You bastard!!" Lucy added unhappily as the Ripperdoc laughed.

"You got a free dose, honestly, it can only do you good, he had twisted the vial in until the needle's spring loaded mechanism fired. "Trust me on this, can do you no bad in the state you are in."

"As much as I am angry that you did that I must agree." Lucy sighed.

"Damn." I bumped my head on the back of the chair with a groan, it sounds odd but it felt good, since I was hitting my head, not a hole in there, it was finally closed up without something plugged in there.... The back of my head was once again the back of my head and that feeling was great despite the headache.

"There we go." Ripper said moments earlier before there was a 'sssssssh' sound and this head/neck/shoulder piece shifted, the mechanism sliding open and unlocking its grip on parts, the painful claw like pieces letting go.

"Careful." Lucy repeated as with the Ripperdoc I pushed it off me and it smacked off the ground.

I rubbed my neck with both hands, head hanging in a deep sigh, a weight off my shoulders and neck.... And literally.

"Aaaah fuck." I whisper said, moving my head around.

"Feels better then having it on huh?"

"You wouldn't know how so." I nodded.

"Well choom, take these for at least two weeks, three times a day." Lucy grabbed the paper bag with the stuff. "It is important you take them all as said and come back here is something happens, you are all chromed up once again after all, you are a living legend now, the chrome woman."

"Do not call me that, that's so lame, even Zybervistan is better then that name." I groaned but I lifted my arms, flexing them, only enough to shift the arm plating and revealing the top of the mantis blades before shifting back my arms to normal, rubbing the back of them. "Militech is.... Was a military company, I have thin arms but like, in one only, I have Ari's gorilla arms cyberware, rocket launcher system, mantis arm, bullet proofing on my palms now and the same with my other arms and there is much more they put in me, more then before, all that I am fucking missing in these hands is a damned monowire! There are even things I never saw on the market!" I slammed my arm down on my lap.

"Hey, it'll be fine." Lucy grabbed one of my hands, I squeezed her hand hard."Everything will be fine, I am sure your doc would remove them if asked."

"No... I was already planning on getting chromed up for Arasaka because of that Smasher guy." I sighed deeply. 

"We are taking it slow idiot, we are not going after Arasaka anytime soon."

I looked at her eyes but she looked really serious so I gave her another nod.

"Alright... You're the boss."

"If we are done here, lets go home."


"First injection tomorrow morning or she'll keep spitting blood, her immune system needs time to settle down along with her body after the stress it was put under."

"Noted." She nodded at the Ripper's instruction, freeing herself from my legs and standing up. "Come on, lets go." She said, pulling me up by the hand I still held.

I stood, my feet felt like toothpick.

I got extremely lucky that my shock collar was changed out for the helmet set up or I feel my mind would have gotten fried.

Because of that shit I was forced to sit through many alterations in a short amount of time.... I don't even feel like myself... I am just their weapon.

"Hey..." I looked up, feeling the breeze on my face, I looked around to see we were outside. "Are you sure you are alright Zyber?"

"Yeah.... I just feel like... An amalgamation of weapons.... A true Zybervistan as they wanted me to be... A human cyberware."

"Zyber, that is so dumb." She grabbed the two sides of my face tho with a small smack to it. "You are you, no matter what is added or taken, you'll always be you. You made a life away from them, from that. That doesn't change with this, you are still Zyber, the idiot that doesn't think before acting, the idiot that needs to come to the moon with me, you think I'd let a corpo weapon come along?"

"I suppose you wouldn't." I chuckled. "You have an odd way of reassuring me, as if you were trying to insult me at the same time." I sighed. "But I suppose it works."

"Nothing changed after all that, you are still you, you are still an idiot."

"Yeah I guess, but your idiot."

"You idiot." I leaned down a bit as she pulled my head down.

I smiled into the kiss, hugging her, picking her up slightly.

"Come on idiot." She gently smacked my cheeks like when she grabbed them. "Lets go home."


She pulled me to my bike and got on, I got on behind her.

The drive was smooth, the road not really bumpy and Lucy not yanking on the handle.

I hugged her, leaning my head against her back, watching the view of NC zip by.

I closed my eyes, just taking in the relative silence and calm of the ride.

A small smile making its way on my face.

Oh Lucy, you oddball... But my oddball...

Thanks for being yourself.

(The idiot and the one that deals with the idiot. <3)


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