-A Crew-

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"Hey Zizy, here she is." Ripper said, pointing over his shoulder, this time wearing the chrome legs.

"Well look at that, it's miss kidnapping-everyone-with-a-Sandy." I called with a grin, honestly expecting Rebecca not Lucy, she didn't seem to like me.

She pulled a displeased face at what I said, arms crossed as she leaned against the door frame with her shoulder.

My grin fell as her gaze was cold, I looked away, rubbing my neck awkwardly.

"Oooh, I'll be leaving." Ripper said, feeling the awkwardness in the air, abandoning me alone in this cramped room with a girl I barely know tho I don't think she wanna kill me again.... I hope.

It was an awkward silence, I didn't know what to say honestly and the silence was getting even heavier as she said nothing either.

I looked up as the door slammed closed before I felt a slap to the face.

"Idiot! Do you realize just how dangerous what you did was?!" I was surprised she was so angry.

I rubbed my face in shock before frowning.

"Why do you care? We work together until you pay me back."

"I've seen too many of those I care for act out like that and die for it. Sure we work together only temporarily but as long as we do we are one crew and you can't do your own decisions." I mean.... She is right.

"Hmm... Look, sorry I guess but I have this." I pulled the previously empty now data filled data-shard and held it to her. "I downloaded all from the computer and the data from the cyberspace... Well all that I could that is before the target flatlined."

"Rebecca's trigger happy, she shot the man when he awoke and jerked forwards towards us." Lucy explained.

"That explains it." I popped my joints, I don't really get why with so many high grade chrome makers insist on putting in this detail, letting my pop my joints on my fingers but I like it, can be used to intimidate I guess.... Aaaand I like popping them, fills the awkward silences.

"Yeah..." She was silent for a moment again. "Are you alright?"

"Huh? Yeah Ripper put me back together, I'll need to take these for five days to play coy with my body because of the Sandy."

"Not talking about the physical.... I... I know how it feels for the target to die while logged in."

"Ah." I sighed. "I'm fine, really, I survived worst, I was simply cabled in and not with an interface."

"You... You are interfaced?"

"I sure am, I told you I can netrun even if my chrome are more on the physical type." I lifted my hand to the back of my head and shifted a small latch open, opening the panel as I pulled the hair away. "See?" I wasn't at all hiding it, most people just didn't ask about it. "AAAAAH!!!" I jerked, slamming the hatch closed.

I heard bright laughter as I jumped up and backed away, face red from embarrassment.

Lucy was laughing making me even more embarrassed.

"You don't poke others interfaces!!" I yelled as I pointed at her accusingly.

"Couldn't help it, Kiwi always did this to bother me."

"Kiwi?" I asked, instantly knowing I fucked up.

"Just.... Someone I knew..."

"Oh..." Good job Zyber the awkwardness is back. "Well, I guess you logged me out, I don't think Rebecca could so thanks for the help, I was quite close to dying to be honest, the firewalls went rogue after the flatline and almost got me."

"Yeah after Falco passed on the message you couldn't log out alone.... Of course." She nodded. "Kind of a waste to let you flatline plus you can be useful to us. Come on, the others are waiting."

"Huh? Where? Why?"

"We are not sure if we got the data but they still wanted to party." She fiiiiinally took the chip from my hand and pocketed it. "We'll need to check it, Falco knows what we need."

"Well lets go, I need a drink." I said, opening my hip pouch and sliding the little paper bag in it.

"Sure, lets go."

"This place is cool, I never been here." I said, leaning against a railing, holding the drink I was given.

"It is fine, one of the many meeting places where we can get jobs and gigs." Falco said with a shrug.

"But this one is the best place!" Rebecca called out holding an empty can she crushed in her huge hands, opening a new one.

"Damn choom this is cool." I chuckled. "And you, stop making that face, you brought me here."

"You know what I say to that?" Lucy asked before holding up he middle finger. "This."

"You mean woman!" I said before taking a swig of the bottle, some sort of bitter beer.

"I was never nice." She answered.

"So Falco, anything useful on the chip I almost died for?" I asked him with a pout.

"Partial files that can be exchanged for money yes but the exact thing we were asked for? No."

"Shit." I hissed, almost dying for nothing. 

I sighed, looking around before smirking.

"What's with that smile?" Rebecca poked my face, her finger digging in painfully but I didn't really care, I only took a few steps away.

"Well that only means I'll need to stay with the crew a bit longer huh?" I asked with a grin, knowing at least two out of three would be happy.

Oh don't worry Lucy, you'll like me soon enough.

.Military Grade Cyber Weapon (Lucy X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now