-Stretcher Danger-

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I opened my eyes.

My head is killing me, it was like it was split open with a knife and someone was poking my brain with knives.

"Hello there, sleepy head." I looked towards the voice to see Zyber leaning against the wall of what looked like the white insides of a van.

I felt a plastic mask strapped on my face.... Wait a moment....

I looked around and sighed, I did the same stupid thing as David did when I first met him, overused the Sandevistan and got myself in a trauma van... Good job Lucy.... Really smart of you.

I couldn't help it, tho that's not excuse because I knew of the consequences of overuse.

I should have held my excitement even if I finally had it and could use it for myself, now I am in a trauma vehicle because of my stupidity.

I crossed my arms on my chest but they felt heavy, I thought he was a light weight but I barely did anything and passed out while he had helped me steal chips and shards for a while before fainting.

I felt all numb and the implantation site itself hurt, pulsing with pain, I did run off with it half an hour after I got it put in after all, I wouldn't have been surprised if it would have fallen out of my body honestly.

"Hi." I answered, head hurting more at the sound of my own voice so I added nothing more, eyes squinted.

"Hmmm." She looked out the window before I saw her eyes turn lighter purple, I saw it a few times, when she was hacking something or looking through the net just like how mine turned red when I do the same thing. "We are not going towards the hospital if the map is right."

"Seriously?" I quietly groaned as I asked, the situation laughably familiar to what happened too him.

"Sorry but we are forced to bring her to the cops before treating her for ID-ing, she is a wanted netrun--" She didn't let the medic talk more, grabbing end of the stretching and jumping up, driving her heels in their face and chest, huh... I thought they wanted to harvest my Sandevistan but I guess these were real medics this time, I guess it would have been too much of a coincidence if they were scavengers.

I grabbed the stretcher with a tight grip as my eyes bulged out of my head, tensing up as she kicked the back doors open, looked out before hopping up and sitting on my legs as the stretcher rolled out by itself.

"Wait!" I yelled, scared because I was the one laying on the stretcher this time.

"Live a little!!" She shoved it out by a kick too the wall and with a laugh as I screamed because unlike when I did this trick, the stretcher was not rolling across solid road but falling through the air!!!

"FUCK YOU!!!" I yelled as she sat on my legs, just laughing as we landed sooner then I thought but the speed picked up.

"WOOHOOO!!!" She laughed, looking ahead as she sat comfortably, wind whipping her hair wildly.

The color of it and her eyes as she smiled at me was almost distracting... Before, of course, I was snapped out of it as one wheel screeched as she shifted her weight and made the improvised vehicle shift around.

I pushed myself up to see we were rolling down a half moon shaped building.

I screamed when she used the Sandevistan and yanked to the left, making us fly off the half moon building and fall more.

We landed with a shock as I held on for my life as the stretcher was not slowing down.


I laughed as I hopped off and grabbed the stretcher slowing it to a stop.

"That was fun, Sorry Lucy but since they wanted to turn you in to the cops I was forced to get away." I said before looking at her. "Ah! Lucy!"

She looked so pale and dead, like she breathed out her soul.

"I'm sorry David....." She muttered, eyes just zoinked out. "I'll never drive a stretcher ever again....." She continued. "Not after suffering it...."

Her grip on the metal of it was so tight her knuckles were white.

"Oh shit." Pushing the stretcher away out of view. "Stay here, I'll get the medicine." I said but I knew she wouldn't move anytime some.

Shaking someone up like that after a Sandy overdose is never a good thing but since they recognized her and would have contacted the authorize I needed to get her out of there, god I should have paid more Eddies for doctor confidentiality I guess but what's done is done.


"There, there." I pat her back as she held her face, elbows on her knees. "Sorry for that."

"This is payback from beyond the grave." She muttered as if I was supposed to know but I can only theorize, she apologized to David and well, payback from beyond the grave... I think she shook him up too when he, for sure, fainted because of this Sandy.

"Lets get moving, I would advise you to limit the usage of it to a minimum for now, maybe once, twice a day to build up tolerance."

"Alright." She nodded.

"Lets go home yeah?" Without waiting for an answer, I picked her up from the stretcher. "Relax, you should relax your body, a Sandy takes a toll unless one is trained to use it."

"The last upgrade I ever get." She promised herself, not fighting me.

"Good choice, we need to be up to part if we wanna take down the megacorps so don't go psycho now because of a single Sandy."

"I am not that fragile." She slapped my chest with a laugh.

"I never said that... Oh well, it was fun."

"If you say so."

I laughed too myself, shaking my head, walking casually towards my apartment at normal speed.

It would be me using the Sandy yes but it would still shake her around and make her feel worst and I am not about to hurt her.

I smiled, remembering how happy she was, honestly I just wanted to kiss her again but current mood? Nope, I'd be slapped, so I am happy with the recent memory for now.

I don't want Lucy to kill me.

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