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As we did more and more gigs, money was interesting me less and less.

I joined for money but honestly, I hate this but, I feel like they could be my friends, we could really be a crew.

Rebecca is fun, I like her personality, a ball of energy.

Falco is cool, laid back dude.

And Lucy?

Well she's just Lucy and that's good about her.

I was walking on the roof of the bridge building that lead from Dale too the roof of a much smaller building.

I activated the Sandy for speed an ran, jumping too another roof and up the wall, the world turning back too normal as I jumped upwards, landing easily on the roof and kept walking, all the time having my hands in my pockets.

I blew out a ring of smoke as I walked through the neon lit night of NC.

I sighed softly, hopping over too another roof.

I walked along it and leaned against the not working aeration unit on top of it.

I looked with little too no interest as the spaceship rose in the air in front of me.

I looked over my shoulder as I heard noise.

"Eyy Lucy!" I greeted with a waved, she looked momentarily surprised to see me here.

"Hello." She simply said, walking over. "Came to watch the launch?"

"Well if you ask that means you did come for that reason but I didn't, I just couldn't sleep, I went for a walk and stopped here." I answered as she watched the rising spaceship silently. "You would like to visit the moon or something? You look quite interested."

"I already did, it was my dream, David helped me get it done." I nodded as she answered, voice nostalgic, she never told me but Rebecca-the-gremlin let it slip that it was not just best friendship between David and Lucy but I will not tell her I know, she should tell me herself.

"Nice, the moon seems nice but I don't know if I'd visit as part of my own dream." I shrugged, watching the jets of flame that were quickly getting further up in the atmosphere.

"I don't have that as a dream anymore, it had changed, now it is to take revenge on Arasaka for all they did, bring them down, even if that means for militech to take over, that's my new dream."

"Mhm." I took a drag. "I guess that's a good dream to have in NC with your reputation... My dream would be to be free I guess."

"To be free?" Lucy asked, I looked over to see her sitting on the edge of the building but leaning back and looking at me.

Along our gigs and bickering we did become good friends, but she always brought up the dead. She can't move along or at least it is hard but I get it, my past is not something I want to relive but I can't move along either... Both our pasts are like glue in our hair: unable to get rid of it without drastic measures that would hurt us more then just keeping the glue there.

"Yeah.... Free from the past, it is never gone, always there as a reminder, I want to get rid of everything that has to do with my past but I can't I guess, past always comes knocking." I flicked the butt away and lit a new cancer stick. "You know I never told people this. It is a stupidly simple and extremely hard to achieve dream but still, I usually keep to myself because of it."

"I hadn't told others about the moon either, not before David and then the idiot told Maine who told everyone else. Do you know how embarrassing it is to get home to have the whole home filled with moon memorabilia of all shapes and sizes?"

I chuckled lightly but it was soon a laugh.

"I can imagine it was embarrassing AND annoying to clean out."

"Yeah... But now it is a good memory I guess, a time when we were all together."

"I get it, I have memories like that too... Tho your new dream is much more attainable then mine." I pushed off the unit and walked to the edge, standing on it.

"And why?" She pulled her smokes out and I held my lighter to her.

"My freedom is not something I can reach in life but since I don't want to zero I am stuck, stuck in a huge cage." I said as she lit her stick before I put the lighter away.

"You are an odd woman Zyber."

"Wouldn't you say?" I looked up when another spaceship was launched. "I'd advise you to not forget your moon dream tho, I wouldn't be against accompanying you for a visit, you'd be quite lonely without your friends."

"I...." I didn't hear the rest as she trailed off, watching the ship rise.

"Eh? I didn't hear you Lucy." I stepped closer, my back to the drop off, not caring if for some odd reason I'd fall, these legs can take a fall from several stories high without trouble unlike normal chrome that looks like normal skin but metal instead of flesh... I honestly don't care if I look more machine then human, I like it like this since it was my choice to look like this and not theirs.

"I said I have a custom Brain Dance of the moon."

"You are making me pay to borrow it aren't you?" I accused but it only caused her to laugh lightly and shake her head.

"You idiot." She sighed with a smile. "You just told you'd accompany me, why the hell would I bring that up like that if I wanted to make you pay?" She stood. "Come on, follow me."

"Where are we going?" I asked but followed without a complaint, grinning.

"Showing you the moon can also be freedom." She said.

"Neat." I said tho I doubted it since my freedom can't be on the moon, they'd find me the moment I am ID-ed somewhere, I barely am able to hide as much as I am now.

I shook my head, don't think about this Zyber, don't get in the feels now and go have fun.

.Military Grade Cyber Weapon (Lucy X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now