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I let go from the end of the wire, spinning it really fast, blocking several bullets fired while lacerating the sides of the hallways.

I grabbed the side of one of the wall coverings, forcing it away from the wall and hiding behind it.

"Come out with your hands lifted and you might be spared!!" The soldier that was completed in full body armor screamed, his squad behind him, I counted five total but this thin hall helps my chances, even if they rushed me only three could get to me at one time and they knew that too.

"Only a might? You don't do good at negotiating!" I yelled back at them with a grin, with their armor I couldn't see their cyberware but well, I had worst. "I'd advise you to leave before I teach you a lesson as to why you shouldn't shoot up my home and hunt down the one I love."

I stepped out with the Sandevistan, wire thrown out, slicing through the nearest gun, taking half a hand with it before ducking back behind the cover, hearing bullets hit off it as I hid behind wall piece again.

"You bitch!!" I chuckled at the pained scream. 

I looked through my pockets before pulling out a small round thing I found there, bingo.

I pressed the button, waited and threw it only moments before it exploded.

It slammed the metal back against the wall so it trapped me before I could push it away again.

When I did push it away I gasped, coughing since it knocked my breath away, my ears were loudly ringing.

I peaked out but only saw smoke.

with a slash of the wire I cut a piece of the metal out and carried it with the wire as I neared the opening in the main hall.

A bullet fired off, hitting through my upper arm.

I spun the metal piece around me and threw it as I just dropped to to ground to avoid other shots with the help of the Sandevistan.

Lucky tho the bothersome dust quickly settled, seeing two charred remains and a man drowning on his own blood with the metal piece embedded in his chest.

I felt a wack on the back of the head.

I didn't hear them!?

A hand on the back of my head pressed it in the ground, I swung my hand but a boot stomped on it, making my wire fall limp, shit!

"You are bothersome girl." I heard as the ringing in my ears lessened. "Tho thank you for your escape, it was useful."

"Fuck you." I did like Zyber usually did, spit on the boot I could see but that caused me to cough and spit blood.

"Awe, the little girl can't take the Sandevistan? Boss will be happy, I am sure he'll let me have it, Arasaka property is unfortunately better after what your little friend did to us."

My body was trembling, I reached my limit with this implant.

A wrist replaced the boot in holding my wrist down, a weight sitting on my back.

"Pull her out."

"No! Leave Zyber alone!" I yelled, looking at the man that stepped towards the hallway, trying to push off the other off my back. "Don't touch her!!" I yelled in anger.

But I was forced to watched as he neared the door.

Suddenly all the lights turned off, the alarm stopped screaming, all stopped working.

I heard a loud bang, metal hitting metal before the sound of something soft pressed and splattering out, sounding like it was a cantaloupe thrown and smashed on the ground.

.Military Grade Cyber Weapon (Lucy X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now