-The Netrunner-

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Despite logging in all dressed, only the chrome in me and my fleshy body parts logged in so I was still naked like any other netrunner.

"I need to hurry before this cyberspace corrupts." I muttered, I had once ran a psycho but they were heavily sedated and it was with.... With... Whatever!

I shook my head, I need to get to the info before it corrupts and stop being distracted.

The red holograms popped up, numbers and letters just flashing through, it was also an unconsciously easy task, only turning a small part of my attention to it as I looked at the black and white space around me.

I approached a wall of white head-sized pixels that formed jagged lines before part of it vanished and opened in a hallway.

I was pushed for time but I still needed to be really careful, I have no one to pull me out, I need to do that myself even if it's hurt and if something happens to me outside in the real world I'll be stuck, plus that Troxen shit acting up and another person in here.

The whole world glitched red and blue, shit, they are waking up.

Many pieces of the world started to get covered in black and red corruption and I knew if I were to touch those I'd get infected by it too, we are running out of time.

I opened up many of the firewalls in here, moving on easily before ducking behind a wall, peeking around to see the main guy of the gang.

He was standing at the end of a long pathway over a void, in front of what looked like the interface screens of a terminal with many screens: the main 'hub' of someone's personal cyberspace.

I held a hand up, the holo appearing under it and I typed my fingers on it while watching the man before pressing 'OK'.

He cried out, back arching painfully as his head jerked aside before collapsing and falling off the pathway into the darkness below.

"Thank you breach protocols." I grinned as Head Start instantly uploaded one of my Daemons.

I stepped out and hurried too the screens, linking the cable in my neck and downloading.

I gasped, grabbing my head as the whole world glitched again and remained unstable, fuck he woke up!

The data was passing in front of my eyes at lightning speed but I was able to understand most of it, ignoring what I didn't find important.

"Come on, come on!" I grumbled, tapping through the data, watching the download bar from the corner of my vision, I needed everything or--

I screamed out in pain, hunching over and fell to my knees as lightning flashed across the cyberspace.

The world was still there but it felt like it imploded, my vision blurring out with glitchy signals.


A feeling like this, like you were ripped apart and put back together as the world rips itself apart around you only means one thing: Death of the target.

The natural defenses we hacked through were going haywire, forcing me to roll away as jabs of sharp white code stabbed into the platform of the path and shattered it, all the data I didn't get falling into the void.

"Shit." I am a god at speed hacking, I know I'm blowing my own horn but whatever, I was fast that's a fact, but to a haywire program that means nothing.

I deactivated the code that re-aimed itself at me and it dissolved into ones and zeroes before I gasped, jerking forwards.

I looked over my shoulder, another of those code spikes shooting through my back, I looked forwards, the blood looked pinkish in this world as the spike stuck out of my chest.

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