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(Fun fact: Instead of Cargo I almost wrote Corgi.)

"This is all I got from him." I said as I finished, holding the map I drew on to Falco as I laid back, letting Ripper finish what he was doing.

It hurts yeah, which Ripperdoc uses anesthetics honestly? They are in illegality, they don't have licenses to get that stuff. Ever since we made this plan, I made sure to make sure all my chrome was up to level, changing out the last surface fleshy parts and having purely chrome skin now, like most people have, even those of the lowest grade, Ripper was fixing the last panel in now.

"That's not much." Lucy said as she looked over Falco's shoulder but smiled. "But by far enough."

"Yeah, this military truck will be traveling out of NC in two days if your info is right. A big cargo in a heavy blended vehicle that has an exoskeleton. That's exactly where the Sandevistan should be." Falco said.

"We need to drive in, get in the car and get out." I added as the Ripper backed up and I sat up.

"We are blowing that cargo up, no piece of is must be left for Arasaka to use." Lucy added.

"Sure we can." I grinned. "Hey Ripper, don't you have more of your homemade explosives?"

"They are not cheap."

"We have the Eddies." I said.

"Then I have some." I looked at them all with a grin. 

"Lets rock."


<Are you ready Zyber? This will all rely on you and Lucy, one chance only.> I heard Falco.

<We are ready.> Lucy answered him as I revved the bike's motor. Well bike, this might be the last time I see you, you served me well tho I will try to keep you in one piece.

NC was surrounded by a desert for a long long while so the cargo cars were visible from far away, we were on a rocky outcropping.

"They are on the move." Lucy said, she was using binoculars to see even better then us from this far away.

That meant Rebecca and Falco would drive in towards the line of cars and divert their attention to the right, driving in fire on a big target and try to pull away a few of the guard cars from formation.

"Lets go." I grinned as she looped her arms around me when I pushed the motor too the max, making it groan in protest, jumping it off the small cliff.

I landed it and B-lined it straight towards the cargo.

<Hold on!> I told Lucy as I harshly swerved harshly to the left before righting it, avoiding to short distance rocket that blasted the rocky desert ground up.

I felt one of her hands let go before brandishing a gun up and unloading it.

Their forces were divided in two.

I was forced to use the Sandy, I could have never avoided the shots normally.

<Up and jump!> I called while Lucy passed me the gun she held, yanking the wheel up and with a lot of force, slamming the wheelie down while breaking with the front wheel.

I reactivated the Sandy, easily landing on my feet because of it and whipping around, grabbing the bike's side to keep it from falling and hopping right back on.

I drove really close to the cargo, holding the gun up and shooting the mirror of the black van.

This maneuver was for one purpose, I told her to 'up and jump', as I had lifted the front, with her balance she stood up on the seat and when I force flipped the back wheel up I threw Lucy on top of the van.

.Military Grade Cyber Weapon (Lucy X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now