Chapter 01

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Ana's POVI sat in the backseat of Mr

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Ana's POV
I sat in the backseat of Mr. Swan's police cruiser as he awkwardly drove through the town of Forks.

He had tried talking to Bella, but was shot down twice. He didn't bother with me, not that I minded, I didn't like talking.

We eventually arrived in front of a two story white painted house with a brown roof. I patiently waited in the back of the car for Mr. Swan to open the door since he can't turn off the child lock.

When he opens the door I get out and see that Bella is pouting by the front door. I ignore her and go help Mr. Swan with the luggage. Unfortunately with my petite form couldn't carry much, so Mr. Swan wound up carrying the majority of them.

We walked up to the door and Mr. Swan unlocked it and we walked inside. I looked around and saw the tacky fish memorabilia that stood out against the pastel walls. Pictures were hung up of mother, Mr. Swan, and Bella. I notice Bella cringe as saw a picture of her from her ballet days.

We followed Mr. Swan upstairs to our rooms. We went to Bella's first, then mine. I wasn't sure what to make of it so I said thank you and he left me alone to unpack.

 I wasn't sure what to make of it so I said thank you and he left me alone to unpack

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I heard car horns honking, but I ignored it. Once all my clothes were put away I grabbed my bathroom bag to put up my hygiene products. Unfortunately as I was walking to the bathroom something fell out. I turned around to pick it up only to freeze upon seeing what it was.

Gloves. But not just any gloves, my mother's gloves.

My mother always wore gloves when she had to touch or handle me in anyway. Whether it be helping me get dressed or holding my hand to cross the street. The gloves were on.

A part of me was grateful for them because if they weren't there then my mother never would've had contact with me. The other part resented them because they prevented me from connecting with my mother.

I timidly picked them up and held them close to my chest and over my heart. Tears pricked my eyes. I walked over to my underwear and sock drawer and put the gloves in there at the bottom. I then walked out of the bedroom and to the bathroom.

I put my cucumber shampoo and conditioner in the shower with my patchouli body wash. I put my loofa there as well. I put my toothbrush and toothpaste by the sink and left. I went to my new room and got dressed for bed then went to sleep.

~~~timeskip~~~I woke up the next morning and started getting ready for school

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I woke up the next morning and started getting ready for school. I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom to quickly shower before Bella woke up.

I ran a bath and soaked for a while before I started scrubbing myself. Once finished I sighed and got out. I wrapped my hair in a towel and got dressed.

Afterwards I put on deodorant, and brush my teeth

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Afterwards I put on deodorant, and brush my teeth. Only to be interrupted by banging on the door "Hurry up! You've been in there for over an hour!" I checked my watch..... I was only in here for 25 minutes....I walked out, nearly being shoved by Bella on my way, and went to my room to put on my shoes.

I brushed my hair and styled it into a braid before grabbing my backpack and heading downstairs

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I brushed my hair and styled it into a braid before grabbing my backpack and heading downstairs.

I brushed my hair and styled it into a braid before grabbing my backpack and heading downstairs

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I sat in the living room to wait for Bella to take us to school, and after 15 minutes Mr. Swan came over looking bashful as he said "How about I take you to school? Bella's got a lot going on right now and isn't up for it" '.......typical' I nodded and followed him to his cruiser.

I sat in the passenger seat and stared out the window as the small, vintage town passed by. Mr. Swan nor I said a word until he pulled up to the school "Good luck on your first day" I nodded and got out. He drove away as I looked at the large brown building. I ignored the funny looks that I received from the teenagers who were my new classmates.

'My first day at high school....' I thought before walking into the building.

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