Chapter 08

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Ana's POV
It's been a couple weeks since I moved in with the Cullens and after I got over my pneumonia I started homeschooling with Esme (though I think that they mostly did this to keep me away from Bella).

Currently, we were doing our round the world dishes which we started doing once a week. So far we've done Canada and Taiwan and now we were doing Italy.

It was a fun family activity that we started doing after the Cullens found that I adored quality time (along with praise and physical affection), so they were trying to spend as much time as possible with me to make sure that I knew that I was loved.

Carlisle even took weekends off from the hospital to join in!

I don't know where Alice and Edward were but I didn't care. They didn't like me and ignored me so ignored them, and spent time with my family.

I was helping Esme make antipasti,

I was helping Esme make antipasti,

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When Edward walked in......holding hands with Bella.

Everyone froze and looked at them as if they grew two heads. Edward started casually introducing everyone to her "Bella, you've met Carlisle, and this is his wife Esme. You already know my siblings Emmett, Jasper, and Rosalie... Alice should be around here somewhere" Rosalie was the first to snap out of her shock and immediately crushed the glass bowl full of salad in her hands snapping the others out of their shock.

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing?! What is she doing here?!" Rosalie demanded and Edward rolled his eyes before saying "Bella wanted to meet my family since we're dating now" "Edward, you know that Bella is not welcomed here" Carlisle said in a stern, angry voice making Bella look at him like a fish out of water "What? Why am I not welcome here? Is it because of Ana? Ana, what lies have you been telling about me now?"

When Bella turned and started talking to me, I froze and my whole body tensed up as I awaited an impact of some sort.

Esme took me into her arms and held me close making latch onto her "Ana hasn't told any lies about you Bella, she rarely talks about her home life before.... And judging by her reaction to you I wonder if there's something that we should know" it went silent and I felt someone approaching Esme.

My body went ridged and my heart hammered against my rib cage as I feared that it was Bella here to snatch me back to live with her and my old mother, Renee, again.

I didn't want to go back.

I like my new mommy.

I like my new daddy.

I like my older siblings, especially Rose, she the best big sister ever.

I didn't want to go back to being annoying, unwanted and unloved Ana.

I didn't want to go back to Bella and Renee.

I felt someone touching me and I freaked out thinking that it was Bella. I didn't care if she hit me again, she was not taking me away from my family "No, no, no! NO!" I shouted and started squirming away from the offending hand.

Air suddenly stopped entering my lungs and seemed to refuse to. I started gasping for breath as I trembled. My whole body shook and my face felt wet as I struggled for air. I heard panicked voices around me but I couldn't tell from who as my vision blurred before seemingly going black;

"Ana?! Ana, sweetie, talk to me?"

"Look at what she did! Get her out! OUT!"

"Bella didn't do anything! She was standing beside me the entire time!"

"Ana, calm down, breathe for me honey."

"She's faking it. Ana, stop being so dramatic!"

"She's panicking, she's terrified. Get Bella out of here, now."

"Is her heart supposed to be beating that fast?"

I blacked out after that and woke up in my bed with Rosalie and Esme laying beside me on either side. When they realized that I was awake, Esme kissed my forehead and left to get Carlisle while Rosalie stayed behind to run her fingers through my hair to keep me calm.

When Carlisle and Esme entered, Carlisle started checking my vitals "She had an anxiety attack and fainted. I think that she's in shock now and that's why she's unresponsive" Carlisle explained "But what caused this?" Esme asked "Isn't obvious? Bella" Rosalie growled out the name with venom "Clearly there was more going on in that house than what Ana told us" Carlisle says as he looks down at me.

"For now let's just keep her warm, and get her some hot chocolate to try and drink. We have to make sure her blood sugar levels are good" Carlisle says before leaving with Esme following behind him. Rosalie stayed behind and held me.

I remained still and quiet for the rest of the evening.

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