Chapter 05

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Ana's POV
I had Charlie drop me off at school again and I sluggishly walked to class. I don't feel well..... but I shouldn't complain, others probably have it worst and I shouldn't be attention seeking or selfish.

I approached Bella (who was in a daze staring at the Cullens) and gave her, her homework that she had me do for her before heading to class.

Rosalie approached me with a warm smile and reached out for my hand "Ready for class?" She asks me sweetly making me eagerly take her hand. She frowned when my hand touched hers and she knelt down and asked "Are you okay? You feel really warm?" She felt my forehead and gasped "Ana, you're burning up!" She suddenly scooped me up into her arms making me instinctively snuggle into her arms.

"I'm taking you to the nurse, I think you have a fever" Rosalie said making me immediately rebel "No, I feel fine. You're just really cold Rosalie" Jasper suddenly walked up with Emmett and both had frowns on their faces upon seeing me "Ana, you look really pale" Emmett said "I can tell you feel exhausted and weak, why are you being so stubborn?" Jasper asked.

I buried my face into Rosalie's chest "I don't wanna complain, 'sides, I'm fine" I mumbled with a slight whine which made them exchanged looks as they were tipped off that I was in fact, not fine. They started walking into school and took me to the nurse's office. I reluctantly allowed her to take my temperature.

"Oh my god....sweetheart, you're 105.7 degrees! I'm calling an ambulance right now!" Ms. Hunny, the nurse, said before urgently rushing to the telephone "Ana?!" Rosalie gasped as I lost the fight and succumbed to sleep.

Rosalie's POV
I quickly caught Ana just before she fell off the bed as she fainted.

I tried to wake her up with no luck while Jasper called Carlisle and told him what was going on. Ms. Hunny re-entered and immediately grabbed ice packs and put them on Ana's forehead in hopes of lowering her temperature.

"Ambulance is on their way" she informed us "Carlisle says that he's getting a bed and labs ready and pulling her medical records" Jasper called out as I gently rocked her and begged her in a whisper to wake up.

We sat there for about an hour before the nurse informed us that the ambulance had arrived. I scooped her up and carried her outside and handed her to the paramedics before climbing in myself "I'm riding along" I informed them. I tossed Emmett and Jasper my keys and they headed to my car.

A crowd had formed at the school as they watched, gawked, and gossiped at the ambulance. Alice stood there among them looking upset and disappointed while Bella walked off upon realizing that the ambulance had nothing to do with Edward who wasn't here today.

The doors to the ambulance were shut and we headed off to the hospital. The paramedics put an I. V. in Ana and started getting her vitals. I held her hand the entire time attempting to ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach.

When we arrived at the hospital, Ana was immediately taken away for tests and I sat waiting in her room.

When she came back, Carlisle had a grave look on his face as he hung up a bag of amoxicillin "She has pneumonia. We're giving her antibiotics now so she should wake up soon" I nodded and when he left I crawled into bed with her and curled around her protectively.

3rd POV
Charlie burst into the hospital and rushed to the secretary "Anastasia Dwyer's room?" He asked panickedly.

"Dr. Cullen is waiting to talk to you in his office before you visit her" the secretary informed him before giving him directions to his office. Charlie followed them and when he arrived at Dr. Cullen's office he was seated in a chair in front of a frowning doctor.

"Do you know where Anastasia came from?" Carlisle asked and Charlie said "She's my ex wife's youngest daughter with her new husband" "Do you have any of her medical history?" Carlisle asked making Charlie frowned before asking "What's this about?"

Carlisle sighed and said "When she arrived we had no guardian to give us her information, so we did an emergency pull on her medical records. We only received information about her first year of life" Charlie frowned further "What about the remaining 6 years that she's been alive?" "That we don't know. She either received holistic medical treatment or she's hasn't been seen by anyone in six years" Carlisle answered. Charlie frowned and said "Excuse me, need to make a phone call" he then left the room and dialed his ex wife's number first.

"Charlie? What happened? Is Bella okay?!" Charlie answered "Ana was just admitted into the hospital with 105 fever" "Oh, is that all?" Renee asked blandly "Your daughter was just admitted into the hospital and that's all you have to say?" Charlie snapped and Renee said "We sent her insurance card, so get her fixed up and go home. It's not a big deal, it's just Ana" Renee said before hanging up.

Charlie stood there in disbelief before he dialed Phil's number, which he got when he took Ana in, "Hello?" "Phil, it's Charlie, Ana was just admitted into the hospital" Charlie told him making Phil say "Wait- what?!" Charlie heard clattering in the background before Phil said "Send me the hospital address. I'm on my way" Charlie frowned and asked "Aren't you in Texas or something?"

"What's that got to do with anything? My daughter's in the hospital!" Phil said "I- nothing. I'll send you the address, and I told Renee but she's not coming" Charlie said making Phil scoff and say "Typical....I should be there sometime tomorrow. Take care of her until then?" Phil asked and Charlie said "Will do" and hung up.

Charlie walked over to the door to Ana's room and peered into the window where he saw Ana and Rosalie were snuggled up in bed.

Rosalie was pretending to sleep as she cuddled the little girl that she became fond of. She had obviously heard Charlie's phone calls and was upset with Renee....

How could a mother be so uncaring towards her child?

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