Chapter 09

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Ana's POV
It's been two weeks since the....incident with Bella and Edward was kicked out of the house. He's now staying in one of the cabins that the Cullens own in the woods.

Currently, we're having a family baseball game. I was seated on Esme's lap watching Carlisle tease Rosalie. They play a weird game we're they fight over the bat by putting one hand on top of the other. Rose has enough after he puts his hand on top of the bat's handle and playfully shoved him away.

Emmett and Jasper were messing around when Alice showed up. I eyed her nervously knowing that she favored Bella to me "Hey, can I join?" Everyone remained quiet unsure of what to say before Carlisle reluctantly says "You're still apart of this family....but you need to behave around Ana" Alice nodded and said "Of course."

She then walked up to Jasper only to get blown off. Jasper walked over to me and scooped me up into his arms making me giggle "Is our little umpire ready to go?" He asked making me giggle again and say "Yeah!"

 Jasper walked over to me and scooped me up into his arms making me giggle "Is our little umpire ready to go?" He asked making me giggle again and say "Yeah!"

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"Jasper....can we talk?" Alice asked as she approached him once again. I could tell that Jasper was irritated by this and said in a snappy tone "About what, Alice?" Alice winced before saying "I'm sorry for not telling you the truth about your mate" upon hearing this, Rosalie decided to take me and walk a few steps away to give them the illusion of privacy.

"You mean how you lied about us being mates?" Jasper retorted and Alice went to defend herself "I didn't lie! At least, not on purpose... I really did have that vision of us together. Then after we met up with the Cullens and got married, and I had that second vision. I didn't think that it was such a big deal, I thought that we could stay together and when we met our real mates I could tell you the truth and it'd be okay."

"Okay? Okay?! Alice! I told about my....feelings and you told me that it was all in my head! You said that we were meant to be, and that I was just being insecure and making up excuses for us not to be together, and I believed you because of that vision! We were meant to be friends and we were but you ruined that for us! You should've told me about the second vision from the start!" Jasper exploded and Carlisle walked over to separate and calm them down.

Alice was sobbing and I frowned before squirming out of Rosalie's hold and jogged over to Alice and hugged her which surprised everyone. I wasn't sure if I was doing it right, but it's what Esme and Rosalie did to make me feel better. Alice hesitatingly hugged me back.

"....Awhile ago I was scared so I lied to get out of trouble. I know that it was wrong to lie, but I thought that the consequences of telling the truth would be worse. What were you so afraid of happening if you told the truth?" I asked once she calmed down. Alice hesitated before saying "I was scared that I was gonna be alone again."

I frowned and squeezed her tighter. I genuinely understood what it felt like to be alone. To cry yourself to sleep every night and wonder why no one wanted you. I understood why Alice lied to Jasper, even if it was wrong.

"I get it....believe me I do. I was alone for the first seven years of my life. Then I was adopted, and I wasn't alone anymore, and neither are you. With or without Jasper" I told her.

After everything calmed down and Jasper and Alice somewhat made up (it would be awhile before Jasper fully trusted Alice again) we started our game.

Rose went up first with Alice as the pitcher, and managed to hit a home run! After her was Jasper, who sadly only go to second base before the ball came back. Carlisle was up next and he accidentally hit the ball into the woods "I'll get it!" Emmett started before he was cut off by the arrival of a silver Volvo.

Edward stepped out, before opening the passenger door to reveal Bella making my blood run cold. Immediately Esme scooped me up into her arms while Carlisle and Rosalie went to make them leave.

"Stop!" Alice suddenly yelled making everyone look at her, only to see that she was staring at something in the forest. I looked over and saw three figures walking towards us.....













It was nomadic vampires.

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