Chapter 07

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3rd POV
The next couple of weeks were hectic as Ana fought pneumonia and had her vaccines and well visits updated.

Renee had lost all parental rights over Bella and Ana and was arrested for child neglect and endangerment with attempted murder on top of all that.

Charlie received full custody of Bella until she turned 18 in a couple months.

Phil signed over his parental rights to Ana's new adoptive parents; Carlisle and Esme Cullen. He moved to Florida and got signed onto a permanent baseball team.

Today, Ana was finally moving in with her adoptive family.

Ana's POV
Rosalie insisted on carrying me from Dr. Cullen's, or Carlisle's, car. I allowed her to without much fuss as I was still exhausted and recovering from pneumonia.

I saw Carlisle, Jasper, and Emmett carrying my meager belongings inside. Rosalie led me upstairs to find a bedroom at the end of the right hallway where we found Esme fussing over the bed attempting to make the pillows fluffier.

 Rosalie led me upstairs to find a bedroom at the end of the right hallway where we found Esme fussing over the bed attempting to make the pillows fluffier

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The room itself was massive and decorated in a dusty pink and blue with one wall actually being the window out into a beautiful view of the forest. There were white flower blossoms on the wall and dim, yellow lights to give a sense of calm while maintaining a source of light and warmth throughout the room.

I saw the closet door was open and had been stocked with clothes and shoes in my style with room for the clothes that I currently had. There were also a few toys lying around, mostly board games like monopoly and operation, with silent, an art doll, and a rubix cube so nothing too babyish, but there was a few stuffed animals.

Specifically a bear, a horse, a fox, a turtle, a bunny, and a fawn.

Esme looked up and smiled upon seeing us "Hello Ana, what do you think?" I looked around once more and softly said in my scratchy voice "It's very pretty Ms

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Esme looked up and smiled upon seeing us "Hello Ana, what do you think?" I looked around once more and softly said in my scratchy voice "It's very pretty Ms. Esme" Esme frowned at my voice and ushered us towards the bed and pulled back the covers so Rosalie could lay me down.

I sank into the soft, plush mattress and was soon enveloped by the warm blankets "Which animal to you wanna sleep with?" Rosalie asked as she laid the animals down in front of me. I looked at them and said "Can I have the fawn, please?" Rosalie smiled and handed to me. I cuddled up to it and soon fell asleep to Rosalie petting my hair.

I woke up from my nap hours later to hear a hushed argument from outside my door;

"She doesn't belong in our world!"

"Oh, and your human blood does?"

"Don't call her that!"

"Well, she is. She's not your mate, she's just another human!"

"There's the pot calling the kettle black."

I soon realized that it was Edward and Rosalie arguing, and I shivered as anxiety that Edward brought out in me. Edward and Alice were not good people and I knew to stay away from the left wing because that's where they were sleeping now.

"Rose, you may think that Ana's a sweet, innocent little girl, but I'm telling you that she's evil-"

"And who told you that? Your little blood whore?"

"Stop it and listen to me! You see what she's done to Jasper and Alice, they're getting divorced because of her!"

"Edward, I'm gonna have to ask you to back off. Ana is NOT the reason that we're gettin' divorced. Alice lied to me and said we were mates and we weren't, I bet she lied about Bella being'  your mate as well."

Edward goes quiet after Jasper says that and I hear Carlisle say "Let Esme feed her.." I then see my bedroom door open and Esme walks inside with a tray. Behind her I can see the others being ushered downstairs by Carlisle.

Esme smiles tensely at me as she realizes that I heard the argument. She glided over with angelic grace and sits by my side and situates a tray of food on my lap. It looks like a low sodium, cream soup like what I ate at the hospital with a white and brown liquid in a mug cup.

"Evil: Adjective; profoundly immoral and wicked, (of a force or spirit) embodying or associated with the forces of the devil, harmful or tending to harm, (of a smell or sight) extremely unpleasant. Noun; profound immorality and wickedness, especially when regarded as a supernatural force, a manifestation of profound immorality and wickedness, especially in people's actions, something which is harmful or undesirable" I recited from the dictionary.

"I am not evil because I have not intentionally caused harm or had any association with the devil" I finished before explaining "I did everything that I could to make sure that my family stayed together. I made sure that Bella always had an A and B report card, I cleaned and cooked for my mother and sister, I kept perfect grades, I made sure that my health was good so my mother wouldn't have to worry or stress over medical bills, and I made sure that we always had groceries in our house."

Esme looked down at me with saddened eyes "I know, sweetheart, I know that you did so well to be strong and take care of everyone. Edward is spoiled and ignorant and Carlisle and I both agree that he needs to straighten himself out" Esme suddenly leaned forward and hugged me "You don't have to be strong anymore, you don't have to take care of anyone else anymore. We'll take care of you now....we love you, so much Ana."

I felt tears fall down my face and I hugged my new mother back.

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