Chapter 03

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Ana's POV
I woke up to find myself on a couch in an unknown person's house. My face flushed as I realized that I did something so childish as to take a nap.

I sit up only to realize that I'm sitting on someone's lap. I look up to see my new favorite person, Rose.

I immediately snuggled into her craving the affection she gave me at school. She chuckled at my antics and started running her fingers through my hair making me melt further into her "Morning sweetheart, did you have a nice nap?" She asked making me frown in embarrassment "Yes... I'm sorry. I know naps are for babies, I'll try not to do it again in the future" I replied.

Rose squeezed me tighter and said "It's okay, Ana, you're only 7 years old. If you're tired then take a nap, no one will be upset with you for it" I frowned knowing that that statement wasn't true but decided not to argue with her. Instead I asked "Where are we?" "My family's house. When you fell asleep with Jasper, he decided to bring you here since you were out cold and we didn't have the Sheriff's address. Esme called the sheriff to come pick you up in a little bit" she explained making me nod.

I continued this odd form of affection where we held one another until a gorgeous woman with voluminously curly, reddish brown hair entered the room carrying a plate.

"I thought I heard you were awake. I'm Esme Cullen, Rose, Jasper, Edward, Alice, and Emmett's foster mother" the woman introduced with a warm smile that made me shyly smile back "Here, I made a snack for you" she said as she set the plate on the coffee table.

I carefully slide off of Rose's lap and onto the floor

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I carefully slide off of Rose's lap and onto the floor. I ignored the fact that my shoes had been removed and knelt in front of the food. I made sure to keep good posture as I carefully ate the food to avoid making a mess "Thank you Mrs. Cullen" I said before she left the room making her laugh and say "Call me Esme" before leaving me and Rose alone.

After I was done with my snack, Rose handed me my backpack and we did homework together. Once that was done we returned to me sitting on her lap, and she decided to read a car magazine with me.

After awhile, Emmett and Jasper entered the living room and started playing video games. I continued to relax in Rose's arms. At one point I looked up to see Emmett staring at us with a funny expression. He smiled at me before he went back to making funny faces like he did earlier. I gave him a deadpan look wondering what he was hoping to accomplish by making these faces.

Seeing that I had no reaction to his goofing, he pouted before smirking.

He reached over and dangled his fingers over my belly. I gave him a confused look, which made his smirk broaden before his fingers descended upon my abdomen and wriggled against it aggressively. It didn't hurt, but it caused a strange sensation that caused a weird noise to exit my lips. I, instinctively, jerked back almost falling off of Rose's lap.

She thankfully caught me and emitted the same unusual sound. It was quite pretty from her, but with me it sounded weird and awkward like Bella in ballet class.

"Emmett! Be careful, babe" Rose said still making that noise. I squirmed and sat on her lap to face her, sitting on her like a horse as I started pawing at her mouth. This caused her to admit more of the sound before she grasp my hand and did a funny action with her lips on the tips of my fingers causing them to wriggle in surprise.

"What's that?" I asked as I furrowed my brow in confusion. Rose tilted her head and asked "What's what?" I then said "That noise we both made and the thing you did with my fingers" Rose blinked in surprise and asked "Have you never laughed before? Or received kisses?" I shook my head in response as my brain processed the new words.

'I think that I read those in the dictionary before... I'll have to read it again to confirm' I thought, not noticing Rose's sad frown.

I'm broken from my thoughts when a familiar figure appears behind her "Hello, Charlie" I said as he awkwardly entered the living room "Hey kiddo, ready to go?" He asks making me reluctantly nod. I slid off of Rose's lap and grabbed my backpack before turning back to Rose.

I grasped her hand and raised it to my face and planted the 'kisses' on her finger tips "Bye Rose, see you tomorrow!" Rose laughed and said "See you tomorrow sweetheart" I nodded and waved at Emmett and Jasper "Bye Emmett, bye Jasper. See you tomorrow!" They waved and bid me farewell.

I walked over to Charlie and followed him outside to the cruiser where I was allowed to sit up front with him as he explained that we were going to the diner for dinner.

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