Chapter 12

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Ana's POV

Jasper is still avoiding me.

I try not to let it get to me and instead bond with my new aunts, uncles, and sister, Alice.

Laurent confided in me that his old friend Victoria asked him to help her in Forks and how he was torn between being here with his family and being a good friend. He was convinced to stay when I admitted to having a bad feeling about it and I begged him to stay home.

Alice has been trying to redeem herself and started by trying to fix her mistakes. She's working on earning Jasper's trust back and figuring out how to help Edward....

But every time she looks into his future now, it's all black.

We find out why until five months later...


I was sitting on Esme's lap with my new favorite Aunt Tanya by my side as I went against Carlisle in a game of chess

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I was sitting on Esme's lap with my new favorite Aunt Tanya by my side as I went against Carlisle in a game of chess.

I think that I've got the hang of it.

My concentration was interrupted by the phone ringing. I looked up to Tanya answering it only to hand it over to Carlisle. He listened to whoever was on the phone and becomes upset "Ge did what-? No, well, we did, but it's complicated Aro. Yes, I'm aware of the law. It says that we can't turn children."

He's silent before saying "I suppose we can't run from our problems. We'll see you soon" he hangs up and says "We're going to meet the kings in Italy."


We were driving through Italy on our way to Volterra

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We were driving through Italy on our way to Volterra.

To make a long story short;

Edward left Bella as well. Victoria built a newborn army which caught the Volturi's attention resulting in them being destroyed, but Aro saw Victoria's memories and realized that Edward broke the law and allowed a human to know about their existence.

Aro dragged both Edward and Bella to be executed where Edward spilled the beans about me in hopes of being able to get some sort of leniency, but of course he left out the fact that I'm only 8 years old and therefore can't be turned without creating an immortal child.

Now were heading to Volterra to prove that no law was broken and carry on with Edward and Bella's execution.

We eventually have to leave the car and keep to the shadows as we migrate through the crowd "Why is everyone wearing red?" I ask curiously and Esme answers "It's for the Saint Markus festival, everyone is celebrating the expulsion of vampires" my mouth forms an 'o' and I nod understandably.

We enter a clock tower where we're met by two guards who introduce themselves as Felix and Demetri. Jasper and Alice gasp at the sight of them and the four are unable to keep their eyes off each other. I look at them all curiously and I notice my other family members amusement. I eventually click into the fact that the two guards are Alice's and Jasper's mates.

We're led to the throne room where we find three thrones with three different men sitting on them while Bella and Edward restrained by unknown vampires.

I look to the side of the thrones in attempt to observe the room only for my eyes to land on twin brunette vampires between 18-20 years of age. When their eyes meet mine there's a click in my heart, that makes them gasp and stare at me in awe.

"Well....this is an unexpected surprise" the middle king said from his throne.

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