First Day

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It was the first day of high school. To say you were nervous was the biggest understatement of your life; moving into the big city was hard enough but doing it solo? 100 times more complex abounded at birth life had never been easy for you. When you were around ten or so, a cat had clawed at your left eye, leaving four deep claw marks over your eye, which made most people back off.

It didn't help that you mainly wore black, had bouts of derepression, and had your headphones in; most of the time, everyone got the impression that you were either emo or goth; you ran a hand through your (H/C) hair with a sigh "time to be another misfit." You had gotten into your first class easy enough; looking around, there was one chair left next to a Snake?

Shrugging, you walked over and stepped over his tail with a thud; as you sat down, the Snake looked over. "Hey, thanks, you're the first person not to step on my tail" you only gave a slight nod in response; halfway through the lesson, a yellow tail could be seen out the corner of your eye, looking the same Snake held out his tail.

"Name is Snake, and you are," you mentally sighed 'you might as well try and make friends especially seeing as how he is trying' you shook his tail "call me (Y/N)" with a tired look "(Y/N) huh? Heh, I think we are going to be good friends, you and me; with a small shrug, you cracked a smile. "I guess so."

In your second class, there was a Spider and Piranha getting harassed; one student was about to hit the spider with a book until you stopped it. "Hey, how about you chill out? She ain't hurting anyone," the girl yelled at you, "but it's a spider" getting annoyed, you tossed the book away "she is also a student, so how about you back off!" You snapped this made the girl run off.

"Hey, thanks for that" "mmm," pulling out a pencil, you saw someone going to attack the piranha; you flicked the pencil, and it hit the student with a finger point and a neck slicing motion the student back off, and the piranha jumped over desks to you "Heya amigo thanks for that" the spider gave a warm smiled to you. "That's Piranha, and I'm Tarantula" you used a finger to shake both of their hands, given how small they were.

Much like the first lesson with Snake. Piranha and Tarantula kept you company, and you chatted. Come first break, you sat alone but being bored you saw a nearby tree and climbed into it tapping away on your phone you didn't see someone tossing rocks up to get your attention until one landed on your phone pulling out an earbud you looked down to see Snake.

"What are you doing up there?" "not sure yet; maybe break my neck, maybe just to stay away from others because I'm a misfit" Snake raised an eyebrow as he climbed up; he tried to jump up only to miss; he nearly fell, but you grabbed him which cause you to hang upside while holding Snake. "You saved me?" thinking you gave a small smile "well, I didn't want you hurting yourself because you were trying to get to me that, and I guess I kinda see you as a friend."

"A friend? Like a friend, friend?" "I don't know; having a friend is a foreign concept to me as well, if I'm being honest" "really, why is that?" You pointed to your eye and your overall looks "nobody wants to be around some depressed kid" Snake looked up at you, "I don't mind being around you." Before you could respond, your legs gave away "shit."

Tossing Snake to safety to fell hitting a few more branches on the way down one of your legs got caught in a branch you stopped a foot from the ground the sound of a pair of feet running towards you could be heard looking around you saw a couple of smart looking brown shoes stop right in front of you.

"Are...are you okay?!" straining your neck upwards, you tried to make out the figure, but the sun was blinding you too much. When the figure didn't get a response, he bent his head down, and you were met face to face with a grey wolf looking at you with a worried look.

"ughh yeah, I've been worse, you know," you chuckled "you're bleeding from the leg" "It happens, Snake, a little hand?" Snake helped to get your leg free as you face planted on the ground "perfect landing," you felt two people helping you up, that being the wolf and Snake "thanks, Snake and..." "Oh right, Wolf, nice to meet you" "(Y/N) call me (Y/N)."

As you tried to walk, the bleeding leg gave out with a yelp of pain; you fell to the floor. Wolf came and put your arm over his shoulder. "Come on; we are getting you to the nurse's office now" Snake coiled himself around your bad leg and waist to make it a bit more stable.

"I don't get it why are you helping me I'm just some student you don't even know me," You asked Snake smiled "We'll I'm your friend now, no takebacks!" Wolf looked into your (E/C) as you looked into his yellow ones. "I may not know you (Y/N), but you were the first person to not look worried around me, and maybe I do want to get to know you if that's okay" smiling, you replied, "get me to the nurse's office, and we will see" Wolf laughed as you three made your way to the nurse's office.

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