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You and Wolf ran towards your house as the rain hammered down, both smiling and fumbling with the door. You finally opened it as the duo got in, Y/N flicked on the lights. It was a two-story house. Wolf looked around but saw it seemed empty. There were no photos of your family. "Uh, Y/N, your house seems a bit bare, if I'm being honest." "Yeah, well, I mean, I just don't really like having photos up of my family. What's the point if I'm just going to see them again later?" Wolf narrowed his eyes but hummed in response.

"Now come on, let's play some games" Wolf removed his wet jacket as he followed you upstairs to your room which was big with a king-size bed and your game console "want to play Payday 2? It just came out" "you got that? I thought it cost like 70$. How did you get it?" You looked away, rubbing the back of your head. "I have my ways. Let's leave it at that, okay?" Booting up the console, you handed Wolf a controller as you both played robbing banks. "Could you imagine us doing this?" Wolf asked, looking towards you.

"What, playing games for a living?" He gave you a smug side look "ohhh, robbing banks? Why, though?" Wolf sighed, looking down, so you paused the game. "You've seen how these see us, Y/N. They fear us; they are afraid because I'm the BiG BaD wOlF! And look, they are even starting to be scared of you because of how you dress and being around us as well" placing a hand on Wolf's shoulder, the human smiled at him "you think I care what society thinks of me? No, I don't care if I'm an outcast. I would rather be an outcast with my friends than fit in with a bunch of people I don't know."

Wolf sighed again as he looked at the human, "but you still have a chance to be a good guy, though, to prove you are not just a scary stereotype," said human laughed as he rubbed Wolf's cheek and rested his head on Wolf's "remember this it is NEVER too late to be a good guy to beat that stereotype even if you think it is. It isn't Wolf, and even if we are ten years in the future, and we do go down this path of being the bad guy. You say to me you want to go good. I would stand by you 100% because you are more than just a friend to me. I don't know what it is, but ever since we met, you've just had this energy around you like all my problems go away."

Wolf looked into your eyes as you carried on, "I just feel safe around you, like every problem I have goes away, that time seems to slow down, and that everything makes sense like in the arcade when we danced together, it felt special, like our souls were intertwined I think Wolf I think I'm in lo" you couldn't finish your sentence as Wolf pressed his lips against your it only last a few seconds. He had a massive blush on his face; he struggled to make eye contact with the boy he had just kissed, but he did get out some words. "I feel the same, Y/N I've been struggling with this as well, but now I know for sure I. Love. You."

Without a response, you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him deeply as you both leaned back onto the bed with a smile; you soon parted for air "lovely." The new lover just lay there for a while looking into the eyes of each other until the growl of their stomachs. "I guess had to ruin our moment, huh?" Wolf laughed as you called up a pizza place. Wolf had to ask the question, "Y/N, where are your parents?" Nothing, it was dead silence, you sighed "they are dead, Wolf. I never knew them; the only thing I was given was this whole house 1 million and a painting downstairs I've never look at it for long, but I think it's special about it."

Before you could carry on, the doorbell rang; going downstairs and opening the door, the delivery guy jumped back at your looks, "i...have's" "cheers" grabbing the pizzas, you took them upstairs as you and Wolf are the pizzas laughing together as the sun started to go down you spoke to Wolf "it's getting late don't you need to get home?" Wolf smiled. "I texted my folks, saying I'm staying over at a friend's house, that's if you want me to, that is" with a blush, you smiled, "I wouldn't mind."

As it got later you got into your pi as you got into bed; Wolf looked around until you pulled him into the bed with you "you sure about this?" "Yes, now let's sleep" Wolf hugged you tight as you both fell asleep together.

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