Breaking & Entering

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You woke up stretching your whole body with a groan getting up and into the bathroom; you go for a shower to wake up, getting dressed, you put on some more urban gear, seeing as how you would be doing some things that we're semi-legal. Still, you didn't forget to put your necklace on that was from Wolf; you thought back to last night and that kiss you had given the dashing Wolf, but now was not the time to think about that sort of thing.

Going into the kitchen, you ate your breakfast, and soon a knock came on the front door; going there was Wolf looking at you, "ready?" "Damn right, no, wait, hang on," you ran back in, grabbing a speaker along with a crowbar just in case tossing them into a bag. You both walked out towards Snake's road "so, we going to talk about what happened last night?" "Oh, you want more already, do you? Never knew you had a taste for humans~." Wolf tried his best to hide the blush, but it didn't work out too well. "I mean, maybe."

"Good thing I like warm fur, then~." Wolf was as red as a tomato; now, he may have the upper hand in some things, but when it came to outward flirting, you knocked it out of the park; soon, something or someone landed on your shoulder "hey boys Wolf you okay or is it hot?" Webs asked "oh, it's hot, all right, Webs" you both laughed as Wolf hid his face in his hands "oh, calm down, you big baby."

"I'm not a baby" "you sure you could call me" you went to his ear "daddy~" within the blink of an eye, Wolf bolted down the road as you struggled to hold yourself together, crying from laughter "hey guys any idea why Wolf just ran past us?" Shark and Piranha came up to see you on the floor, dying of laughter. "Don't worry, I was just teasing the poor boy with flirts; come on, I'm sure the dynamic duo are waiting for us."

As you and your friends walked down the street, most people went to the other side of the road to avoid contact Y/N just rolled his eyes in annoyance; he never had time for these sorts of people who judged on looks. Soon they all met with Snake and Wolf "hey, you two ready to go?" "Sure thing, Y/N say; why is Wolf out of breath?" "Something happened between us," the canine was taking deep breaths "" "love you too, baby~" "grrr."

Snake led the way, going past his house and deep into the woods; you whistled a tune as soon the others joined in "we're here" 20 minutes of walking later and before you stood an old factory reading 'Marmalade Inc. A better future for you.' "Marmalade Inc?" "As in Marmalade the third? Damn, I wonder what they did here," Piranha asked to nobody, in particular; the gate around the old warehouse was locked but using your crowbar, it didn't last long "okay, misfits, let's have some fun," as the old doors were forced open breaking the ivy off everyone looked around.

"I think it's best we stick in teams of two, so Shark and Webs, Piranha and Snake, Me and Wolf; any objections?" With zero head shakes, everyone went with their pair. Wolf and Y/N looked at the old conveyor belts and saw one covered over; pulling it off revealed what looked like a gun but with a hook on end "a grappling hook, maybe?" You stated, but you took it anyway no point in letting it gather dust.

"Find anything?" Snake asked, looking through some pointless junk "nope, just old machines and dust," Webs yelled back. "Wolf and I are going upstairs." You both went up as the walkway groaned with each step "be careful" "I'm always careful, thank you" as those words were spoken, the catwalk gave way but thankfully, Wolf was fast, grabbing onto your arm; he pulled you back to safety "thanks I owe you" "I'll cash that in later." "You okay up there, amigo?" Piranha yelled. You gave him a thumbs up.

The pair jumped the gap and made it to the command room, finding a breaker box; Wolf flicked it on, causing lights to come on. There was a safe in the corner Y/N tried to crack it open with his crowbar but to no avail, so he did, it the old fashion way inside was about 10k cash. The human and wolf looked towards each other before grabbing it 5k each with a smile. They kept looking until the sun went behind a cloud blue and & red lights were seen outside "5-O! BAIL!" You yelled, killing the lights. The front door was broken down, and a buff lady cop walked in "okay, come out with your hands up!"

The misfits needed a distraction to escape. You remembered your speaker throwing to a corner. You synced up and blasted, 'Fuck the police,' taking the chance, everyone made a break for it and ran into the woods rain had started to come down as both you and Wolf were holding hands while running flashlights shone into the woods "We will meet up later let's just get out of here!" Shark yelled. You didn't stop running until you were on your street soaking wet with Wolf, who smiled back at you.

"I had an enjoyable time today, thank you" "It's only 2 pm; want to come to my place and play some games? Maybe the weather will die down as well" still holding your hand, he rubbed his thumb over your hand "I would love to." So you both ran towards your house to get out of the rain.

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