Golden Dolphin

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Y/N was humming a theme to himself as he used his suit to disable some lasers "are you really humming the mission impossible theme to yourself right now?" "Are you really judging me on that?" "Yes" "well then" 'Lasers disabled' you walked past the laser as Diane rappelled down a shaft "The Zumpango diamond" Diane and Y/N looked at the diamond "it's so small, but if we find the right buyer, we can be rich." Diane states grabbing it triggers an alarm to go off "shit meet on the roof," grabbing some more things and going invisible; Diane made it to the roof as cops aimed their weapons.

"Don't move!" "She's got the diamond open fire!" As she closed her eyes in fear, no bullets hit her, but the sound of them hitting metal did. Deactivating your invisibility, the cops looked in horror; seeing you tower over them charging your fist up and jumping, created a mini shockwave knocking over the cops; you ran back, grabbing Diane as she gave a two-finger salute as you both flew off into the night sky. "Who were they?" "No idea what's this?" A calling card had been left behind "The Crimson Paw?" Landing back at your and Diane's house, flying into the garage, and heading into the lair.

Diane got off as you removed the suit, and she took her gear off. "Now that was a good heist" "yep, did you leave a calling card?" She asked "of course now then," grabbing the duffle bag which held most of your loot, you threw it on the floor. "Can we keep the diamond? Pleaseeee, Y/N" Diane was giving you puppy eyes in response; you grabbed it from her hands. "HEY!" "You the know the rules, Diane. First time profit, the second time to keep. I'll get this stuff sold tomorrow." It had been six months since you both had teamed up, and things were going well; walking past the walls, a few gadgets were on there.

The next day you were in a sharply dressed suit and suitcase filled with your ill-gotten gains heading onto the underground; you flicked through texts with Diane until someone else came on standing next to you with a briefcase. "How much?" "25 million also here," the man handed you a card, "for any gadgets you need" as the next stop came, you and the man both grabbed each other briefcases "pleasure doing business with you, Crimson Paw as for that other matter no luck I'm afraid but if we know where your friends are we will let you know."

With a simple nod, you left with the money. A few years later, the Crimson Paw was all over the news; you and Diane had formed a brother and sister bond as you both sat in a diner together  "we could go after it again." "Do you really want to, though?" "It would annoy the police, and think about it going back to do our original heist." You put your feet up, leaning against the window "it just seems like a gamble to me," Diane rolled her eyes before putting sugar into her coffee "this coming from the walking tank, that suit of yours could do the heist with his eyes closed."

You sipped your drink "just because I can doesn't mean I should, plus I saw something better" pulling out a photo, Diane looked wide-eyed at you "no, Y/N" "oh come on, think about it; we would cement our legacy" "our legacy in prison maybe it's too risky" "if we go for the diamond we go for the dolphin afterward" she sighed "you think we could change Y/N?" "Change our style or?" "Change our lives. I mean, go good; it's never too late to change" Y/N looked down with a sigh "we could try Diane, but we would need to do something big like run for governor." You both laugh at this, "you and me being the governor"  "yeah, you the brains while me the enforcer."

Later that night, you were both in a familiar place, standing outside the museum that held the Zumpango Diamond, but there was also a bank opposite it. "I'll get the diamond. I want to test out my new time stopper" with a nod, Diane went over to the bank, pressing a button on your right arm time seemed to stop as you played your favorite song in your helmet. Running through the doors, you punched both guards before running to the security booth; looking at the cameras with a nod, you typed away the access code before decking the guard in the face.

Running out, you backflipped over the lasers and opened a glass case grabbing some jewels while you were at it; as two more guards were frozen in time, you kicked them both before jumping to the next floor where another guard stood flipping his hat off you sat the next to him for a few second '10 seconds left' throwing the guard over railing Y/N then looked at a map to see where the diamond was kept '5 seconds' sliding under the closing gate you were face to face with the diamond and a whole room of lasers "this feels familiar" as time went back to normal everything fell into chaos.

The two guards at the front door were sent sprawling to the ground; the officer in the security room fell off his chair; meanwhile, the two guards you kicked fell into each other, and finally, the last guard hit the floor hard. Diane looked back with an eye roll, knowing what you had done. Slowly making your way through the lasers, you stared at the diamond "funny, something so little would cost so much." Grabbing it, the sound of the bank alarm went off; smashing through a window, you and Diane flew off into the night sky, leaving your calling card.

Nine years since Y/N's coma

"Still can't believe it nine years ago today" "I know, right, so we still?" "Oh hell yeah, we are now. Come on; it's getting late." The lasers around the dolphin went down as Diane picked it up with you cutting a hole in the window "come on, Diane, let's go," she had removed her hood, looking at her reflection "what's wrong?" Lifting your helmet up, she had a sad look "Diane" "all they see is a tricky fox; I don't know if I can do this anymore, Y/N." She handed you the dolphin; as you looked at your reflection, something fell out of the suit.

Bending down, it was a photo, not just any photo either; it was the one taken on Snake's 21st, the last time you remember being happy tears started to hit the picture; as Diane saw this she wiped the tears away and hugged you "you are right this, this isn't us anymore Diane it's time we make a change it's time we go good." Putting the photo back, you also put the Dolphine back as well, leaving a calling card; you wrote something on it 'It's over.' With that, you and Diane headed for the window "so you want to run for governor?" "As long as we do it together don't worry, Y/N; we will find them I promise" with a smile your helmet came back down as you both flew off into the night, but those words you said to Wolf years ago rang in your head.

"I'd go good if you would, Wolfy."

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