Giving Into Steryotypes

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Waking up the following day, you felt something soft against your body. It was Wolf remembering what happened last night. Kissing his head, you buried your head into his neck as he rubbed your hair and back. "Morning, how did you sleep?" He asked, looking into your eyes "best night I've ever had, how about you~?" "Same seems sleeping with someone you confess to helps you sleep better" he laughed at his joke in response, the human kissed his nose.

"Come on, and let's get dressed" after getting dressed and breakfast involving maple syrup on Wolf's chest, somehow you both went outside and soon met up with the rest of the misfits "should we tell them?" Wolf asked, looking at you "if we can't tell our closest friends, who can we tell?" "Tell us what?" Diane asked, seemingly appearing behind you two and giving the fright of your life. "Don't do that, Diane; you gave us the fright of our lives" in response, she wrapped her arms around your two.

"Guys, these two love birds have something to say" the misfits looked at you both, blushing hard; it dawned on Diane all too quickly, "oh no, did I spoil the surprise?" Snake walked up to the duo "wait, are you two a thing?" You nodded, holding Wolf's hand "we confessed last night." The group looked towards each other before you were pulled into a group hug "dawww, you two are going to make a great couple," Webs stated. You smiled, looking towards Wolf, who looked like he could die from embracement at any moment. Giving him a light punch in the arm, he relaxed a bit more.

"So what are we going to do today then?" Shark asked "we could hit that new mall that just opened and maybe get some new clothes and some food," Diane suggested; everyone nodded in agreement "onwards, misfits! To the mall," you dramatically pointed, getting a laugh from the group heading for the mall idle chat went on through the group as people moved out the way or onto the other side of the street. "And that's how I lost my speaker. I mean, it might still be there but probably not, so going to get a new one while I'm here."

Heading into the mall, more people looked at you and your friends with concern "jeez, way to deep welcomed, huh?" Piranha started. Snake rolled his eyes and groaned. "I know right? I get the feeling it's going to be like this all our lives" you wrapped an arm around him "so what? As long as we got each other, we will be okay" Snake only nodded in response heading to the electronic shop "hold it, they can't come in," you went wide eyed at hearing that "the fuck you say?" "I'm sorry, but be lucky I'm even letting you in. I know your type" you look back at the group who gestures you to go in.

Pushing past the person, you went in, looking at the new speakers, checking them out soon, finding the perfect one grabbing it; you scanned the shop for the cameras and cashier before slipping it away in your bag before slipping out again "did you just?" Wolf asked in response. You pulled out the speaker with a smile, "I guess I'm just one of my type" with an evil smile, you put the speaker back as the group followed, "did you really need to steal it?" Diane asked, walking next to you "no, but after what they said to you all, it felt eye for an eye, and that rush I got it was great."

Heading to the food court, you all went to get different food; that was until, while in a cue for your favorite food place, the other came up with puppy eyes, "what?" You asked them, "can you pay for us?" The human gave a deadpan look towards his animal friends. "I can't pay for you all. I don't have enough on me unless" he saw someone's wallet sticking out his back pocket; following the man when nobody was looking, you quickly took and grabbed 50$ from him, dropping the wallet on the floor you then ran up to the guy "excuse me sir you dropped this" handing him the wallet the man smiled "why thank you, my boy, here" he pulled out 10$ giving to you. "thank you, sir."

"There he is!" Two security guards came up to you "we know you stole a speaker from the electronic store." "No, I didn't!" "Empty your bag then!" Opening your bag, you moved the speaker to a hidden compartment of the bag and emptied it out. "There, see empty just because I look shifty doesn't mean I did anything bad, okay?" You said, somewhat annoyed. The guards looked towards each other before leaving "fuckers" you said, getting back to the group

"How did they not find it?" Shark asked, "secret compartments you really think this is the first time I've stolen something?" You laughed as the group looked slightly shocked, paying for their food, and all sat down together, eating and chatting; at this moment, life and time seemed to have no meaning

It's a shame it wouldn't stay like this...

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