We Have It All 🍋

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"Happy Birthday!" You all yelled it was Snake's 21st birthday. The misfits were celebrating at a nightclub in LA. This was the first time the group had gone to the big city in the last few years; you and your friends had been doing small heists here and there with wearing masks; nobody knew it was you lot smashing ATMs and robbing stores, truth be told you loved to showboat shame the chief of police Misty hated it you and Wolf would usually annoy her through the security cameras.

After finishing school, you bought a little cafe on a corner; it was a hot spot for people like you outcasts, ones that the world deemed 'bad guys.' but it was also your group's first hideout and where you did your job's from, so whenever police asked where you were during a robbery Y/N used the excuse of him working the cafe. His regulars would back him up on it as well. The group downed their shots before grabbing the glass "come on, Snake, give us a speech," you laughed, hugging him with one arm.

"Okay, fine, although I haven't lived that long, we've made enemies, and I mean we have, but I'm glad that I will always have you friends to fall back and rely on, especially this guy!" He coiled himself around you with a warm smile. "Careful, Snake or his boyfriend might get jealous," Diane joked. "To the misfits!" Shark yelled, clanging the glasses together with laughter as the night went on; you playfully grabbed Wolf's hand and took him onto the dancefloor you danced together. "Mmm, this is nice." Wolf ran a hand through your hair as you rested your head on his shoulder.

"So, what else do you want to do tonight? It's too late to make it back home; how about a hotel, just us two? It's been a while~." "Y/N, I think your drunk" "on loving you and your soft fur, I am~" Wolf's side fluffed up, and even his tail wagged at this. He panicked, trying to stop this as you laughed "you know how to set me off" "in more ways than one," the big bad wolf went a deep shade of red hearing this. "Amigos, come on over. We're getting a photo done." Piranha yelled, walking over; you sat down with Wolf next to you "everyone say robbery," you joked as everyone smiled. You kissed Wolf on the cheek while still looking at the camera.

Lemon incoming

It was 1 am when you both stumbled into your hotel room; getting undressed, you went for a shower; hopping into the hot shower, someone else decided to join his human; going in front, you started to rub Wolf's shaft as he moaned "sensitive today are we?" "ahhh~" slowly pushing in, Y/N rubbed Wolf more as he leaned against the glass and moved back toward you. Feeling frisky, you bit down on Wolf's neck as he screamed in pleasure as came over the glass; a minute later, you came in Wolf's ass after drying yourself off; your boyfriend playfully grabbed your shaft "murr thirsty, are we?" "Yes, daddy." You went wide-eyed hearing this.

"You must be calling me daddy like that~" sitting on the bed and spreading his legs, Wolf licked his lips; crawling over, he gave your shaft a lick at first, shivering from the touch, and with a smirk, "you were always a damn tease" "you know you love it" a moan was the response as he took in the tip before going down slowly gripped the bed sheets you could feel his tongue licking all over and going up and down he was amazing you playfully rubbed his head "Wolf babe I'm close" "mmm." was the response as you came you grabbed his head holding it down blowing into his mouth and even hitting the back of his throat letting go and falling over on the bed.

You huffed as your boyfriend stayed there for about 30 seconds, giving it a good clean before, with a wet pop, he came out and smiled at you "god, that was so fucking good, babe" "I aim to please, but I want to go above and beyond with you~."

Lemon Over

The next day you were all in your cafe thinking about your next job. "I mean, think about it. LA is rich in places to rob," Diane started sipping on her drink. "True, but it's also more risk," Snake replied "if we are doing LA, then Im going to keep a mask on," you stated. Diane nodded in agreement. "I'm with Y/N cause what if we try to go legit later" "what, like good guys? HA, as if the world will never see us as good guys." Shark replied, "we don't know unless we try," Y/N answered back, "but Y/N babe, we did back in school, and they never trusted us" Wolf replied, "that was school; we are adults now."

"I don't know; it just seems like an idea that would blow up in our faces." "I'd go good if you would, Wolfy" putting your hand on his, he smiled, "thanks, Y/N" you then had an idea, "Okay, how about this if we do LA, maybe if we get caught, we fake going good to get out of jail?" You stated, finally sipping your drink as Snake laughed "now that's genius, Y/N, we know and love!" You smiled and looked at the new photo that was on the counter, that being the photo from last night.

Later that day, the lovers were walking back to your place before you walked past a tailor "oh yeah, wait here, Wolf," running in, you came back out with something; it was a white jacket and white trousers. "I saw this the other day and thought it would look great on you" "I thank you, Y/N" kissing you deeply, you made it back home as Wolf gave you one last kiss "come over later. I want to see you in that suit okay~" going inside and making it to the kitchen there was a faint hissing sound and a specific smell the smell of gas.

As your eyes went wide, you bolted for the front door as a bullet went through a window, and then BOOM! The explosion was so loud it shook the neighborhood, and all the other misfits saw where it was coming from, and I'm in unison. They all yelled one thing.


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